Comparison of AnyOrder Editions

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The AnyOrder Professional Series is the result of years of research and development and is made up of the premier versions of AnyOrder.  Currently, the Professional Series consists of seven editions:  Levels 1 through 7.  Each higher level provides more options and a larger range of features.  Professional Series programs are designed specifically for newer operating systems.  All new development and enhancements occur with the Professional Series.

All AnyOrder versions are compatible.  You can move from Level 1 to Level 2, or Level 3 to Level 7, or even from the old AnyOrder Classic versions to Level 7.  The program will automatically convert data files to the new version.  AnyOrder's built in compatibility provides you with the assurance that as your company grows, AnyOrder can grow with you.  You can upgrade from one version to another and not lose valuable customer data that you've built up over the years.

The Professional Series currently consists of seven levels.  The following provides details on each:

Professional Level 1. The Professional Level 1 Edition is a comprehensive invoicing program, designed for small businesses.

Features. The Professional Level 1 program generates invoices, handles returns, produces sales reports, records customer payments, and creates customer mailing lists.  It has the ability to apply discounts to products individually or all together.  Included among its features are polished and refined pop-ups to find and paste customers, products or customer numbers.   You can copy a customer name and address from an email message or a word document and paste the whole works to an invoice.  You can also add personal notes to an invoice. The program includes AnyOrder's innovative system of marking invoices paid which makes it easy to readily locate unpaid invoices. And it will produce sales and sales tax reports.

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $9.50. Registration for a network enabled program (no workstation limit) is $19.50  (* See networking information below)

Professional Level 2. The Professional Level 2 Edition includes all of the invoicing features found in Level 1 plus the following:

Billing Engine. The program includes a comprehensive billing engine which will create billing statements for each of your customers. Statements include a list of all invoice activity along with a notation of which invoices have not been paid.  Balance due is broken down by age (older than 30, 60 or 90 days).  The statements can be viewed on the screen or they can be printed and sent to customers.

Inventory Engine. The program will keep track of your inventory and provide data on how many items remain at any given time.  Individual product reports can be printed.  A summary of all inventory activity can also be printed which is very handy when tax time comes around.  Inventory reports also include information on consigned items.  This helps you track products placed on consignment, or products warehoused by distributors who do not pay until items are sold.

Advanced Search. Advanced search broadens your ability to locate invoices and customers.  It enables you to search the contents of any field on the Main Invoice Screen.

Back Order Processing. The Level 2 program has the ability to find back-ordered products and create new invoices when items are back in stock and ready to ship.

Invoice Graphics. If desired, you can add logos or other graphics to printed invoices and statements.

Deposit and Payment Reports. Among other features, the Level 2 Edition will also create a Deposit and Payment report which can be used to prepare bank deposits.

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $19.50.  Registration for a network enabled program (no workstation limit) is $29.50.  (* See networking information below)

Professional Level 3. The Level 3 Edition includes all of the features of Level I and II programs plus a simple touch-tone credit card processing module, telephony features, and extensive import and export routines.

Telephony Features. Included in the Level 3 program are two separate phone dialers (a basic and advanced version) which allows you to make calls from the AnyOrder program.  You can click on a button on the Main Invoice Screen or within the Customer Contact Manager and your computer will dial the phone number.  You can have the phone dialer key-in the individual's extension or menu choice numbers automatically for you.  If you need to call FedEx (or another shipper) to pick up a package, the phone dialer will even input your account number.

Credit Card Processing. The Level 3 program includes a touch-tone credit card processing module.  This is a practical and easy way to process credit cards.  It's most useful if you have a small volume of cards - two to five cards a day - and you have signed up for voice or touch tone processing with your bank or card processor.  Note that if you don't use voice or touch tone processing or if you have a higher card volume, you'll want to use AnyOrder Gateway processing module, available on Level 4 programs or greater.  For more information, see Credit Card Processing.

Batch Printing. Instead of printing each invoice (or billing statement) individually, Batch Printing allows you to select from a list, and AnyOrder will print all selected invoices or statements at once, freeing you to do other things.

Export and Import Functions. This edition includes new and versatile import and export functions.  The two functions allow you to move information to and from databases, spreadsheets, accounting programs, and word processing programs.  One of the nice features of these features is that you can select which fields you want exported or imported and where the information should be placed. You can set up profiles which remember which this information so that you don't have to set it again the next time you import or export.

Currency Conversion. The currency conversion feature allows you to establish exchange rates for those countries with which you do business.  Once the rates are established, you can choose a currency from the list, and the invoice will be converted into the appropriate values of the new currency. When printed, the invoice will also include the appropriate ISO country code of the currency.  Moreover, AnyOrder will internally remember the original values of the invoice, and when desired you can convert the invoice back to your base currency.

Works with External Email Programs. If you use a client email program such as Outlook or Thunderbird, the program will start your email program and insert the billing name or shipping name into the "to" blank.  You can also pick from a series of form letters that you've prepared in advance, and via the clipboard, insert the desired letter in your email message.  (Note that a full blown, Internal email program is built in the Level 7 program.)

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $29.50.  Registration for a network enabled program (no workstation limit) is $39.50.  (* See networking information below)

Professional Level 4. The Level 4 Edition includes all of the features of Level 1, 2 and 3 programs plus on-line shipment features, more than a dozen new reports, sales commissions support, pricing levels for products, variable tax support, an extensive royalty accounting module, and a comprehensive purchase order system that is nearly as large as the core portion AnyOrder.

Sales commission calculation features. Calculate commissions for sales representatives.  Three 3 different methods are available.

Advertising campaign tracking. Track the results of your advertising campaigns.

Variable tax rate support. Level 4 supports variable tax rates.  Set up as many rates as you need.  Sales reports include how much tax has been collected for each rate.

More Reports. Over a dozen new reports providing alternative ways of viewing sales, product, and customer data.

Pop-up Calendars. Pop-up calendars available throughout the program.

Early Warning System. Early warning system which activates when inventory levels drop below a critical level.

New Pricing Levels. Six new pricing levels for products

User Defined Payment Methods. Nine user defined payment methods

Shipping Labels, Envelopes, and Mailing Labels. A brand new system which provides hundreds of different label choices.

User Defined Fields. The Level 4 program allows you to add up to a dozen of your own fields to the Main Invoice Screen.  If desired, you can include three of the fields on printed invoices.  Along with the Advanced Search feature, you can search for the contents of any of your own fields.  You can also export or import to User Defined Fields.

Royalty Accounting. The royalty accounting feature is an entire software program in itself, fully integrated so it works seamlessly with AnyOrder's data files.  This portion of the program provides a wide range of options.  Royalties can be based on cash or accrual accounting.   They can be calculated on a percentage of the retail price, net sales, or a flat amount.  Royalties can also be set up to change depending on the quantity of products sold and/or depending on the discount at which products are sold.  Over 235 different royalty combinations are available for nearly any royalty arrangement.  The neatly printed reports generated by the program provide you and your royalty holders with all the important accounting details.  When you are ready to mail printed royalty reports, they are designed so that they can be folded and inserted in a windowed business envelope.

More. UPS Worldship support, larger, roomier screen displays, new export options, new colors, and enhancements throughout the program.

Plus . . . A Comprehensive Purchase Order System (AnyPO). The Level 4 program includes a comprehensive purchase order system called AnyPO.  AnyPO is sold separately for $219 but is included as a part of the AnyOrder package.  It is an extensive program, rivaling the top PO programs on the market, and is nearly as large as the core portion AnyOrder.  It includes multiple filter options, advanced search, batch printing, email export, currency conversion, multi-line descriptions, ability to process backorders and drop shipments, an inventory mode to track items received, and a feature to automatically update your inventory.

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $39.50.  Registration for a network enabled program (no workstation limit) is $49.50.  (* See networking information below)

Professional Level 5. The Level 5 Edition includes all of the features of AnyOrder Levels 1 through 4.  In addition, it includes Real Time inventory processing, integrated PDF printing, inventory reconciliation, and extensive barcode support (including the ability to barcode invoices, scan in products, find invoices by tracking numbers, and much more).  It also has the ability to print packing slips for multi-package shipments and the capability to move shopping cart data into the program.  Level 5 includes a large proforma invoicing system, and a separate, fully-functioning program called the Rover Module which can be utilized for a number of different purposes including dividing your business into separate divisions, maintaining separate accounts, and generating sales away from the office.  More details:

Inventory Reconciliation Features. Allows you to easily update inventory counts.

Automatic HTML File Naming. Speeds up creating email attachments.

Multi-package Support. Ability to print packing slips for multi-package orders.

New Printing Options. Twice the number of printing options as Level 4, including integrated PDF printing.

Change Case. A "change case" function is available for consistent formatting of addresses.

Move Shopping Cart Orders into AnyOrder. New features have been added so that you can import shopping cart data from your website.

"Real Time" Inventory Processing. This new inventory feature provides you with instantly updated inventory figures.  It will also warn you while working with invoices if a product has reached a critically low level, and it will warn you when product's inventory has reached zero (0).

Final Shipping Tasks. A new "Final Shipping & Packaging" feature automates shipping & packaging chores

Back Order Processing. New enhancements have been made to backorder processing

Greater Precision. Item discounts can be configured with seven decimal points of precision, providing perfect accuracy when a product's discount must be manipulated to derive a given price.  This is helpful if you need to match the prices from website price tables or the totals on a distributor report.

Completely barcode compatible: 1) Product barcodes can be scanned for automatic entry on invoices; 2) Invoices, royalty reports & statements can be barcoded;  3) Invoices can be quickly located by scanning the barcode; 4) Products can be located in the Product Information database by scanning the barcode; 5)You can create your own barcodes for products and print barcode labels; 6) Tracking numbers can be scanned into the program or used to locate an invoice; 7) Shipping labels can be created with barcodes.

New features in Royalty Accounting. Built-in export routines allow you to move royalty data directly into Excel or other spreadsheet programs.  You can create royalty reports and statements as an HTML file and attach it to email for delivery to royalty holders.

New features in AnyPO: Purchase Order System. In the Level 5 program, AnyPO has integrated PDF printing and automatic HTML file naming.  It also includes a new method of creating purchase orders from invoices.

Entirely new Proforma Invoicing System. AnyOrder 5 has a new built-in feature which allows you to create proforma invoices (or quote prices).  The Proforma program is similar to the AnyPO system in that it is a complete program in itself with a great array of features.

The Rover Module. The Rover Module has many of the same  functions as the main AnyOrder program, but it allows you great flexibility in how you run your business.  It provides you with a safe way of taking AnyOrder on the road or home without carrying all of your valuable business data with you.  You can take Rover to shows, special events or when you make sales calls.  Rover can be used by your sales personnel to record sales or pre-season orders.  Any sales they have generated can be sent to you via email in one compact zip file.  You can also use Rover to divide your business into separate divisions or maintain separate accounts.  It can be configured to work solely in another currency for international transactions. Rover comes only with the networked version of the Level 5 program, but there is no limit to the number of Rover Modules that you can use.

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $49.50.  Registration for a network enabled program which includes the Rover Module is $59.50.  (* See networking information below)

Professional Level 6. The Level 6 Edition includes all of the features of AnyOrder Level 1 through 5.  In addition, it includes a Customer Command Center, Primary Contact Manager, Scheduler, Standing Order Module, invoice language translation features, royalty log files, royalty cash reserves report, user access levels, and administrator controls.  It includes the AnyPO II (which, if purchased separately, costs $29.50) and a more versatile and more powerful Rover Module.  Level 6 is clearly state of the art business software.  More details on this amazing program are found below:

Enhancements throughout the program.  Scores of functions updated.

Lots of new fields.  Customer database has more fields including user defined fields.  Product database has also been extensively updated including two-line product descriptions.

Customer Command Center  A completely new way of working with the program from a customer viewpoint.

Primary Contact Manager.  AnyOrder has always had a customer contact manager, but Level 6 includes a separate and comprehensive contact manager for prospective customers and others of importance to your business.

Scheduler. Schedule tasks days, weeks or months in advance.  AnyOrder will display reminder messages to send billings, contact certain customers, issue invoices, etc.

Standing Order Module.   A hefty, new module for setting up and maintaining standing orders.

Invoice Printing. On printed invoices, include an "Attention" field, ID Numbers (such as SAN, Fed ID, VAT, GST, or your own ID number).  Add a place for your customer to enter their credit card number and return the invoice.

Language Translation. Translate printed invoices and purchase orders into any language.

Inventory. New, easier ways of entering new inventory.

Product Details. You can pop-up a detail description of a product at any time.

New Customer Database Features.  Ability to track the life-time value of your customers.

New Billing Features. Customer credit limit.  Flexibility with the Please Pay Field

Royalty Functions. Log files and the ability to create a spreadsheet showing all invoices, customers and payment amounts upon which a royalty report is based.

Royalty Cash Reserves Report. Generates the sum total of royalty payments due for all royalty holders for a given a period of time.  (Also creates an itemized spreadsheet with this information.)

Security. Set up user passwords and access levels.  Credit card encryption is now fully compliant with industry standards.

New Sales Codes. "H" to hold an order until a certain date.  "A" to adjust inventory.

Special Paste. Copy a PayPal email message and drop it directly into program without re-typing.

Invoice Numbering. Three new alternative invoice numbering systems.

New Tax Calculation System. Works for the most difficult tax situations, including European VAT and Canadian GST/PST taxes.  Up to 5 different taxes can be calculated on an invoice.

Mailing List Generation. A new option allows you to create lists with email addresses.

Import and Export. Many new import and export features which extend the ability of the program to move data to and from shopping cart and ecommerce applications.

The Rover Module. Enhanced features in the Rover Module.

AnyPO II (Purchase Order System). Includes AnyPO Level II.  Separately sold for $329, AnyPO II is one of business world's most popular choices for handling purchase orders.

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $59.50.  Registration for a network enabled program which includes the Rover Module is $69.50.  (* See networking information below)

Professional Level 7. This is our flagship program, the top-of-the-line of the AnyOrder family. It is based on years of research and includes an extraordinary collection of features. You have all of the features and benefits of Levels 1 - 6.  Those features include the ability to generate invoices and billing statements, keep track of inventory, handle book returns, produce sales reports, record customer payments, track consignment items, create customer mailing lists, calculate shipping weights, prepare bank deposit reports, and process backorders.  Plus you have the following:

Integrated Internal Email. Level 7 includes an integrated email program which allows you to send invoices and shipping acknowledgements to your customers, royalty reports and statements to your authors, and many other uses.

Bulk Emailing Application. Here's one feature you're going to love: it includes a bulk email application which allows you to send emails to selected lists of customers or all of your customers.   You can send thousands of email to your entire customer list.

More Features in the Royalty Module. AnyOrder set international standards with its royalty reporting system, and Level 7 raises the bar even higher with new features and options.  It add dozens of new royalty calculation combinations.

Shopping Cart Integration. Level 7 has new import features to provide for a greater range of imports from shopping carts.  It also has the ability to download orders directly from shopping carts in one step.

Increased Database Capabilities. It has increased database capabilities allowing it to work more efficiently with large data files.

Automatic Backorder Processing. Previous levels require processing backorders manually.  Level 7 has an automated system where everything is done for you.

AnyPO III (Purchase Order System) The program includes an integrated purchase order system:  AnyPO III our most advanced program.  The cost of AnyPO III sold separately is $39.50 but the program is included as part of the Level 7 package.

Rover Module. Included in the Level 7 package is our most advanced Rover module. Rover looks and runs just like AnyOrder but it's a completely separate program providing you with remarkable flexibility.

Storage of Past Invoices. One of Rover's new features is ability to store past invoices. You can still run reports. You can still create mailing lists (and now with Level 7, even do bulk emailing), and you can still access invoices from different workstations on the network. What this accomplishes is that it gives you small and clean data files to work with on a daily basis when you run the main AnyOrder program. This is particularly handy for networked programs when you have large databases. You can keep your main AnyOrder program working quickly and efficiently.

Email (Snail Mail) Lists.  The new Rover also can be set-up for different mailing lists.  A different Rover Module is set-up for each of your mailing lists. Rover will remember the last mailing and add any new names and addresses or emails, and presto, you're all set to send out the latest mailing.

And More. Level 7 has even more features to make help your business run smoother and more efficiently.

Registration Cost. Special Reduced Registration Costs: $69.50.  Registration for a network enabled program which includes the Rover Module is $79.50.  (* See networking information below)


Networking Information. All seven editions of AnyOrder can be purchased as "Network Enabled" programs.  Network enabled versions are for light to moderate networking purposes and are only $10 more than the single user cost.  Additionally, you are not charged a per workstation fee.

AnyOrder's networked versions can be used on a number of different workstations (up to ten or twelve).  Different users may work on the program at the same time, but there are a few processes which can not be carried out simultaneously.  For example, only person at a time can do batch printing, and only one person at a time can run billing statements.

AnyOrder's networking features become more sophisticated with the Levels 4 through 7.  These programs use network logging to keep track of processes undertaken by other users.  They also include a "local" mode which allows you to remove yourself from the network to run network intensive processes that might slow down other users working on the network at the same time.  The Levels 4 through 7 programs are also designed for light or moderate networking purposes, but the more advanced networking capabilities of the programs provide for a better controlled network environment.  They are the best choice when it is common to have two or more users on the network at the same time.

Version Upgrades and Benefits to Registered Users. Each of the Professional editions of AnyOrder are upgraded on a regular basis.  Registered users are entitled to a number of benefits including free upgrades within the same version number.  For example if you have registered AnyOrder Level 4 (Version 14), you would be eligible for free upgrades for such versions as Version 14.1, Version 14.4, Version 14.5, etc.  When full version upgrades become available, registered users can upgrade to the next higher version number.   Registered users may also upgrade from one level to another at a discounted price.