Removing Credit Card Numbers,
Exp Dates & Validation Codes

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It's important that you protect your customer's sensitive credit card data.  The less card data you store the better.  If, after processing a card, you no longer need the credit card number, you should delete it.  (If, for some reason, you need to store card data, then use AnyOrder's encryption features.)

You can delete credit card data directly on the Main Invoice Screen -- or you can use the removal features by selecting SECURITY >> CREDIT CARD NUMBER & VALIDATION CODE REMOVAL OPTIONS.

In the "Credit Card Number Removal" dialog box, you have the option of removing card information from the current invoice -- or deleting it from all invoices.

When you use this feature, it will only remove credit card information from the Card #, Exp Date and CVV fields on the Main Invoice Screen. It will not remove check numbers from the Card # field as long as you preface the number with "#'," "Chk," or "Check."'

Card Validation Codes are alternately referred to as Card Validation Codes (CVC) or Card Validation Values (CVV).  This is the three or four place number that appears on the front or back of a credit card.  It is used by some processing centers for card approval.  If your processing center doesn't require it, then leave the CVV field blank. If, however, your processing center requires it, then you must treat such codes with great care.  Laws and industry standards stipulate that the code should never be stored.  To protect your customers, you must delete the Card Validation Code immediately after the card is processed.  You can delete it directly on the screen or by using one in the Removal dialog box.

You have one other option available.  Some users may utilize the CVV field on the Main Invoice Screen for other non-credit card related data.  If that's the situation, you can instruct AnyOrder not to remove anything from the CVV field by placing a checkmark in "Delete only the Card Number and Exp Date Fields.  I am using the CVV field for other purposes."  AnyOrder will remember your setting.