Consignment Sales & Activity Report

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Consignment Sales Activity Report - Level 6 - 7 Feature

Level 6 - 7 feature. You can obtain consignment information from the Sales Activity and Inventory Report, but the data found on this report is a summary all of your consignment vendors.

The advantage of this specialized consignment report is that it gives you an itemized breakdown of activity of each product and each and every individual consignment vendor.

This report is considered one of the "Products" reports.  To reach it, select PRODUCT TOOLS >> PRODUCT REPORTS.  From the dialog box that appears, you have a number of report choices.



To begin the process for the consignment report, click on the "Consignment Sales Activity Report" button (above).  The following dialog box appears:




Report Options

Enter the dates (or click on the "Options" button and select one of the date options).

You have several reporting options:

Accrual or Cash. You can based the report on accrual or cash accounting.  For the best results, we highly recommend  that you use the accrual accounting method for this report.  "Accural Method" will be checked as default.

Use Group #'s. When this is checked all customers within a billing group will be assembled together. The default is checked.  If you remove the checkmark, then the report will list activity for each customer, rather than grouping them together.

Zero-out Consigned Items (Use for sales data - keep unchecked for inventory). If you want total sales at your consignment sites (in other words, if you are only interested in the total amount of that you've received at each consignment site, minus returns - and you're not interested in inventory values), then you'll want to place a checkmark in this box.  (Also make sure the next box "Zero-out Promotional, Back Orders . . ." remains checked.)

When it's checked, the report that you send to Excel will set the "Disc_Price" column (last column showing in the sample below) to zero (0) for any item with "C" or "T" sales code.  The "C" sales code means "consigned" item and the "T" sales code means take-back of consigned item.  Thus, when checked, any consignment transaction will be show a zero in the Disc_Price column.

What is Disc_Price?  It is quantity times price-each minus any discounts provided to the customer: (Quan X Price @) - Discount. The total of this column would then provide a total sales figure at each consignment site.

If, on the other hand, you want the value of your inventory (minus the discount) at consignment sites, then you'll want to show the amount for these items, by making sure it's unchecked.  

Zero-out Promotional, Back Orders, etc. But Retain Consigned Values. This sets the "Disc_Price" column (last column showing in the sample below) to zero (0) for for promotional items ("P" sales code) and back orders ("B"  sales code).  Consigned items (codes "C" and "T" retain their values, so this still enables you to obtain the value of your inventory (minus the discount) at each consignment site.

Note that because of limited space, the checkbox is labeled "Promotional, Back Orders, etc" but this option includes more than just "P" and "B" codes.  It also will set the amount to zero (0) for the following codes: Hold Orders (H), Back or Hold order shipped (X), No Longer Available (N), Unacceptable Returns (U), Internal Use Code (I), and Inventory Adjustment (A).

The box is checked by default and for most uses, you'll keep that way, but if you need the values from these codes, remove the checkmark.

The Report

Once you click on "Start Process," AnyOrder runs through all of your invoices to calculate the beginning consignment level for each vendor at the start date of your report.  After it calculates starting levels, it then gathers all the data for the designate report period.

This is AnyOrder's most complete consignment report, and it's quite useful for tracking consignment inventory at each vendor location.  Because of the extensive nature of the data in this report, there is no intermediate step.  In other words, no internal spreadsheet is created in AnyOrder; rather the report data is moved directly to Excel.  The data in Excel is in raw form - as shown below


You can manipulate it yourself, but it's much easier if you use a special Excel macro which has been prepared for this report.  The macro, available to Level 6 and 7 users, does all of the hard work for you.  It sorts, groups, formats and totals the data, creating a report that is ready to print.  A sample report is shown below, along with guidance on how to interpret the data found on the report.

ConsignRep2 Converting Catalog Numbers to Item Names If you have lots of products, it may be helpful to replace catalog numbers with product names.  Included among the macros that you can download is "Replace_Catalog_Number."  This macro can be used to replace catalog numbers with the full item name.  See below on how to obtain macros.

Where to obtain the Macro The macro which creates the above report is available to Level 6 and 7 users.  For information on obtaining the macro, select HELP >> OBTAINING REPORT MACROS.