Real Time Batch Processing

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Level 6 - 7 feature

This feature allows you to use the Real Time Inventory feature to process a series of invoices.  Primary, it's used for importing invoices.  For example, you may import 25 invoices from your shopping cart.  Real Time Batch Processing, then, can be utilized to check each of the imported invoices and make sure enough inventory remains to fill the orders.

If you are using Real Time Inventory Processing, you know that it will trigger a message and warn you if the inventory of any product goes out of stock, but it works only as you enter invoices on the Main Invoice Screen. This feature extends Real Time Processing capabilities to imported invoices.  By using it, you'll always know the inventory status of all products at any time, including imported orders.

Importing Invoices:  Automatically Running the Process

On the first Import dialog box (shown below), you'll find the following checkbox: "After Import:  Run Inventory Check."



When you place a checkmark here, AnyOrder will run through all of the products on each imported invoice.  As it does so, it checks to make there is sufficient inventory available.  If any product reaches the low inventory level that you've indicated in the Product Database, it will make a notation.  If any product is already out of stock -- or becomes out-of-stock during the import, it will make another notation.  Additionally, it will automatically place the product on back-order status (by inserting a "B" sales code).  If any product has been discontinued, it will insert the "N" sales code for No Longer Available.

The process occurs just after the invoices are imported, and it moves from the first imported invoice to the last.  Thus, if a product goes out-of-stock on one of the early imported invoices, it will appear as back-ordered in all subsequent invoices.  Once the batch process is complete, a summary report will appear.  The report can be placed in the clipboard, or it can be saved to a file for future reference.


Other Uses:  Inventory Batch Processing

The Inventory Batch Process is almost always used when importing invoices -- and, in that case, you can configure it to run automatically as soon as the invoices are imported as described immediately above.

It's also possible to use the batch process on its own, independent of importing.  You might want to use it to run through a series of invoices on which Real Time Processing has been turned off.  Or you might need to make an adjustment in inventory (described next) and need to re-run the batch process.

To access it, select PRODUCT TOOLS >> REAL TIME INVENTORY SETTINGS.  At the bottom,  you'll see the Batch Processing panel, shown below:


To start the procedure, click on the "Batch Processing" button.  When the process is complete, a report will appear.  


Re-running the Batch Process

After reviewing the report, you can, if needed, make individual adjustments in any of the imported invoices.  But it's also possible to make alternations in inventory levels and re-run the inventory check.  When you are processing quite a number of invoices, re-running the batch process is usually much easier than manually making changes.

You would want to re-run the batch process if you find that you need to add or remove inventory.

For example, let's say you import a series of invoices and after the batch process runs, the report indicates that one that of your products went out-of-stock.  But after doing a physical count of your inventory, you find that you still have another 50 still in stock, plenty to cover the imported invoices.

What this means is that the available inventory recorded in AnyOrder doesn't match the actual physical inventory. That happens now and then.  It can result if the inventory was incorrectly entered into AnyOrder -- or a missing box of inventory later turns up.  It is also possible to have less inventory due to loss or damage in the warehouse.

No matter what the cause, there is a way that you can make adjustments in inventory to correct AnyOrder's inventory and then re-run the batch process.  The following is a step-by-step procedure on how it is done:

At any rate, there's a way you can make adjustments in inventory to correct AnyOrder's inventory and to re-run the batch process.  The following steps describes the full process:

1. First, take a look at the invoice which immediately proceeds the start of the imported batch.  Make sure that you have removed the necessary items to fill all invoices up to and including this one invoice.  Then count the amount of inventory you have left.  Let's say it's 50.

2. Write down the number of this invoice (the one that immediately proceeds the start of the imported batch). Let's the say batch of imported invoices started with invoice 1005.  That means, we'll write down Invoice # 1004.

3. Select PRODUCT TOOLS >> RECONCILIATION OF INVENTORY.  Click on "Start Process."

4. At the bottom of this dialog box, enter the invoice number that you wrote down: 1004.  Double-check and make sure you entered in the correct number.  Then click on "Continue with Normal Process."

5. AnyOrder will run an inventory and a list of your products will appear.  Find the product in question.  Type in 50 for the remaining number that you have in stock.  What you are doing is telling AnyOrder that you have you have 50 left as of Invoice 1004.

6. When you have finished entering the inventory count(s), click on "Enter Above Values in Inventory File."  AnyOrder will enter the values.  It will finish things up by generating the inventory one final time.  When it's complete, exit from Inventory Reconciliation.

7. At this point, you are ready to run the Inventory Batch Process.  First go to the starting invoice of the batch.  This time we are dealing with the starting invoice of the batch.  We no longer have to worry about the invoice before.  That's taken care of.  Now we're working with the starting invoice.

8. Select PRODUCT TOOLS >> REAL TIME INVENTORY SETTINGS >> "Batch Processing." Make sure the staring invoice number appears.  If not, you can change it.  Then click on "Start Process."

Since more inventory is now available, AnyOrder will correct invoices accordingly.  In other words, "B" (Backorder) sales codes will be changed to "S" (Sale) as each invoice is checked.  Just to make sure, AnyOrder will ask you before changing a "B" to "S." And, if you say "yes" the change will be made.  Use the new inventory figure that you entered, AnyOrder will keep subtracting from it.  If the 50 extra items are not enough, then once that additional inventory is exhausted, AnyOrder will show the product backordered.

You also can use the same process, above, if you need to reduce inventory of an item.  Moreover, it can also be used if an item was changed from, or to, a "permanently-of-stock" status in the product database.


Batch Processing: Dealing with Quantities

It's helpful to understand how batch processing works with varying quantities on invoices.  As AnyOrder moves from invoices to invoice, it checks to see how much of a product is remaining (taking into consideration what's been allocated to the invoices proceeding it).

Let's say there are 5 items left of Product A, and it comes across an invoice with a quantity of 6.  Since there is not enough, it will backorder all 6.

Then it will move the next invoice.  If the next invoice has a quantity of 5, it will fill that invoice.  From then on, however, Product A is considered Out-of-Stock it will backorder the item on all subsequent invoices.

It is possible, in situations where the quantities are high enough, to end up with some inventory still in stock, yet one or more invoices include it as backordered.  If this happens, AnyOrder will include notes in the batch report on how much is left.  That allows you to make a manual change on one of the invoices, shipping the remaining stock and backordering the rest.


Starting Invoice Levels at a Given Invoice Number

One additional tool which may be helpful when using Batch Processing is found in Inventory Functions.  This tool gives you the ability to view inventory levels at the point in time immediately before the starting invoice of the batch.  Before using it, you'll want to write down the invoice number.

Go to the last invoice before the batch starts and note the number.  Then, to reach this feature, select PRODUCT TOOLS >> INVENTORY FUNCTIONS.  Click on the "More Options" button.  In "More Options," you find "Run an Inventory up to a Given Invoice Number."



Enter the invoice number and click on the "Special Inventory" button.  AnyOrder will generate an inventory report which provides inventory levels at that point in time.  In other words, you'll be to view the inventory levels up to and including the invoice that you entered.