Setting-up Users

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This is an AnyOrder 6 - 7 feature

AnyOrder allows you to set-up users which have varying amounts of access to the program.  For example, you may wish to set up a clerical worker with the capability of creating new invoices, but you may not want him or her to have the ability to delete invoices or open an invoice once it is closed.  All that and more can be accomplished by setting up users.

For the most part, users are set-up on networked systems.  With AnyOrder, however, you can set up a user on a single user system.  Setting up a user on a single user system follows the same procedures as described below for networking.

Start by Setting-up an Administrator

In order to set-up users, you must first have a program Administrator.  The administrator is set-up by selecting SECURITY >> SET-UP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR (more information: Administrator.)

Once you've set-up the program administrator, you'll be able to access the User dialog box.  The User dialog box is reached by selecting SECURITY >> SET-UP USER ACCESS (shown below):



Once you're logged in, the following dialog box appears:



Setting up a Global User

The Administrator has the capability of logging on to any computer on the network.  But, in addition to the Administrator, you can also set-up a global user that can log onto any computer. To do so, you must start-up the program on the server (or the machine on which the Common Data Directory resides).  Once the program starts, select SECURITY >> SET-UP USER ACCESS.

You'll need to log-in as the administrator.  When the User dialog box appears, place a checkmark beside:  "Yes.  Set-up a user for this computer."

If you want the user to have global approval status, you must use the log-in system.  In other words, "Log-in Required" must be selected.  It will be automatically selected if the Administrator is required to log-in.  (The Administrator can control whether a log-in is required, see Administrator for more information).


Since you'll be using the log-in system, you must set-up a log-in name and password.  To do so, click "Set-up Password."  Enter the log-in name and password.  Both are case sensitive.  You'll want to carefully record how you enter both the name and password.

Once you have the password entered, indicate the user's level of access.  You have several options:  Full, Moderate, Some, Lowest.  Select the option that you want.

Setting up a User on a Workstation

Begin by starting the program on the user's computer.  Then select SECURITY >> SET-UP USER ACCESS.

You'll need to log-in as the administrator.  When the User dialog box appears, place a checkmark beside:  "Yes.  Set-up a user for this computer."

Next, decide on whether or not you want to use a log-in system.  In a log-in system, the user must log into the program before the program starts.  Some businesses find the log-in intrusive, and you may want to make it easy for your users and not have to deal with a log-in box.

If you choose not to use the log-in system, the program will start up without going through a log-in procedure.  The user's access level will be automatically selected.  Let's look at an example. Let's say you have set up the user so that he or she has the "Some" access.  When that user starts AnyOrder on their computer, even without logging in, they will have only "Some" access to the program.  (If needed, however, you can re-gain full access by logging-in as the Administrator after the program has started.  To do that select SECURITY >> SET-UP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR and log-in with the Administrator's password.  Full access will now be available.)

As long as you are not requiring the Administrator to log-in at program start-up, you can set-up the same situation for your users.  (The Administrator's log-in option can be turned on or off in SECURITY >> SET-UP PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR ).

However, if the Administrator is required to log-in at program start-up, then the users will be required as well.  The "Log-in Required" option in the User dialog box will automatically selected in that case.  (Note, also, if you wish to have a global user, as described above, you will need to use the "log-in required" option.  The only way for a global user to access all computers on the network is to do it through a start-up log-in.)

If you select the "Log-in Required" option you must set-up a log-in name and password.  To do so, click "Set-up Password."  Enter the log-in name and password.  Both are case sensitive.  You'll want to carefully record how you enter both the name and password.


Once you have the password entered, indicate the user's level of access.  You have several options:  Full, Moderate, Some, Lowest.  Select the option that you want.  Indicate the user's initials.

When logged in, and using the large screen display, the user's initials will appear near the bottom of the Main Invoice Screen (just above the Notes area).  When using the smaller screen (used in conjunction with user defined and shipment fields), the initials will appear just below the shipping country on upper right of the screen.