Yearly Sales

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At the end of your fiscal year, you can have the program calculate total sales for that year.  It will also calculate sales information for past years. (AnyOrder also will compute daily, weekly or monthly sales, see Sales and Sales Tax Reports.) To use this feature, select MAIN TASKS from the Menu Bar and choose YEARLY SALES.  The following dialog box appears:


In the dialog box, type-in the year (if you use a calendar year) or the dates of your fiscal year.

You have several options to pick from in the lower half of the dialog box.

You can create a sales report for a customer without a number (in other words, the customer is not included in the Customer Database).  To do so, enter the customer's name in the blank.  The best way of doing this is to click on "List" (or double click in the blank), and a pop-up list of customers will appear.  From the list, select the desired customer.

You can also create sales reports for customers that have been assigned customer numbers (in other words customers that have been entered in the Customer Database).  Click on the "List" button beside "Customer #" and select the customer.

Moreover, you can create sales reports for two or more customers that are members of a billing group (where their bill is paid by one main corporate office).  The report will show sales figures for the entire group, combining the sales of all members of the billing group.

You can produce a sales report for an invoice code.  Invoices can be coded with a code of your choice.  If you enter a code into this blank, a sales report will be prepared for all invoices matching the code that you enter.  For more information on codes, and the "Do not use entire invoice code . . ." checkbox, see Invoice Codes.

The program will also calculate sales on a Cash or Accrual basis.  A Cash based system calculates your sales based on the invoices which have been actually paid.  An Accrual based system calculates sales based on all invoices whether they have been paid or not.  The program will remind you which type of accounting system you normally use.

Once you enter the year, the program calculates total sales and lists the information on the Sales Report Screen.  In addition to total sales, it also includes taxed and non-taxed sales, the total amount of shipping billed, credits, fees and other information.  If desired, the information listed on the screen may be printed by selecting FILE and PRINT from the Menu Bar.



At the bottom of the report screen, Total Receivable and Total Payable may or may not be indicated.  Whether or not they are showing depends on whether the appropriate Balance File is available.  If not, you can have the program quickly provide the figures.  To do so, see Calculating Total Receivables and Payables.

The Yearly Sales dialog box will stay on the screen in the event you would like to generate more reports.  The resulting report that you produce will also stay on the screen.  This allows you to generate two or more reports and compare them.  When you're finished with the reports, click on "Close" or "Cancel."