Address Copy & Paste

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AnyOrder includes a number of address copying and pasting functions.  Some of these features can reached by selecting EDIT and ADDESS COPY & PASTE from the Menu Bar.  All of the features can be reached by right clicking with the mouse and activating the Speed Menu when the cursor is in the Bill-to or Ship-to blanks.  The following describes how each of the functions work:

Copy Entire Address

This function copies either the Billing or Shipping Address to the clipboard.  It places the address in separate lines.  The city, state/province and postal code are placed on one line.  The city is separated from the state/province by a comma.  Each line is a separate paragraph:

Main Street Sporting Goods

123 Main Street

Mahtomedi, MN  55115

Once copied to the clipboard, you can use the address in other programs.  For example, let's say you need to write a letter to one of your customers.  First copy the address to clipboard in AnyOrder!.  Then start up your word processor program.  Open a new document, paste the address to the top and write the letter.  Using this method saves time and assures you that the address is correct.

If your word processor will print envelopes or labels, you can also use the clipboard to transfer the address or addresses to the appropriate template in the word processor.  And, you can use the clipboard to print labels from special label printers.  For more information, refer to the documentation that came with your word processor or label printer.

You can also copy the address, and using the "Paste Copied Address" function (see next), you can paste the address to another invoice.

If the address paste doesn't come out the way you want, you can undo it by selecting "Undo Address Paste."

Paste Copied Address

This function takes an address stored in the clipboard and pastes it into either the Billing or Shipping blanks on the screen.  This allows you to copy an address out of an email message or a word processing document and paste the entire address (name, address, city, etc.) to the appropriate blanks on the screen.  It saves a bundle of time.

If you use the "Copy Entire Address" function (above), the address is formatted properly and can be pasted any place in AnyOrder.

If you copy an address from an email message or word processing document, the address must meet several prerequisites in order for AnyOrder to paste it correctly:

1. Separate lines.  The address that you copy must be in separate lines (each line being a paragraph).

2. Separate city and state/province with comma.  AnyOrder will make an attempt to extract the city, but to be absolutely sure that the city is extracted properly, it should be separated from the state or province by a comma, i.e. Vancouver, BC.

3. Zip or postal codes.  Zip code extensions should be separated by a hyphen, i.e. 45623-4514.  Although it is not absolutely necessary, it is helpful that the zip or postal code is separated from the state or province by two spaces.

The address can be three lines:

Main Street Sporting Goods

123 Main Street

Mahtomedi, MN  55115

Or the address can be four lines:

Main Street Sporting Goods

123 Main Street

PO Box 4456

Mahtomedi, MN  55115-4556

Five-line Addresses for Countries.  If you want to include a country with the address, the address must be five lines long.  If the address is only four lines, insert a blank in the fourth line:

Main Street Sporting Goods

123 Main Street


Mahtomedi, MN  55115

United States

If the address paste doesn't come out the way you want, you can undo it by selecting "Undo Address Paste."

Extra Address (Address3) Configuration. AnyOrder can be configured with an extra address line (Address3).  See User Defined Fields for more information.  The addition of an extra address line adds greatly to the complexity of pasting addresses, and to make it work properly, you must include the country.  You must also have six lines.  You can have blank lines, but you must have all six lines, including the country.  If you leave out any of the lines, AnyOrder won't be able paste it correctly.  The following examples will paste properly:

Bill Wilson

Main Street Sporting Goods

123 Main Street

PO Box 4456

Mahtomedi, MN  55115


This also will paste properly for the extra address line (Address3) configuration:

Bill Wilson

Main Street Sporting Goods

123 Main Street


Mahtomedi, MN  55115


NOTE: If the address that you copy is not quite in the right format, paste it to the "Notes" area on the bottom of the invoice screen.  Make the necessary adjustments in its format.  Highlight it and copy it.  Then paste it using the right click menu in the Billing Name.

Paste Copied Address (Remove Blanks)

This function is exactly the same as above ("Past Copied Address") except it removes any blank address lines. (Note that this function is only available from the Speed Menu by right clicking when the cursor is in the Bill-to or Ship-to blanks.)

Let's say that you copy the following address:


Kimberly Wilson


1703 N 1220 W


Seattle, WA  98015


Notice that this address has a blank line between the name and address.  It also has a blank line between the address and city/state.  When you select this option, the blank lines will be removed prior to pasting.  Without the blank lines removed, "1703 N 1220 W" would end up in the second address line and "Seattle, WA  98015" would end up in the country line.  Other than this change, everything works the same as covered above.


Copy Address (Tab Separated)

This function copies either the Billing or Shipping Address to the clipboard.  Instead of separating the parts of the address into separate lines, it separates the address with tabs.  The advantage of this function is that the address can be pasted directly into a spreadsheet program (like Excel).  Each address component occupies a different column.

The other advantage is that the tab separated format can be used in conjunction with inexpensive or free clipboard programs to help fill-in forms.  When the fields are separated by tabs, you can use a special function of some clipboard programs which allows you to paste each address component to the blanks of forms found on the Web or software programs.

This is helpful for filling in postal or shipping company forms.  Instead of having to copy and paste each address component one at a time, you can copy them all at once and paste each part of the address without returning to AnyOrder.  (Note that not all clipboard programs work with tab separated format.  The following format, however, works with almost all programs.)

Copy Address (Clipboard Series)

This function copies either the Billing or Shipping Address to the clipboard.  In this case, the parts of the address are sent to the clipboard as a series of clipboard copies.  In order words, AnyOrder copies the name first and places it in the clipboard, then it copies the address and places it in the clipboard, then it copies the city, etc.

This form of copying is designed to be used with inexpensive or free clipboard programs to help ease the task of filling in forms.  Most clipboard programs maintain a list of recently copied items.  By selecting from the clipboard list, you can paste each component of the address to its proper place on a Web or software form.  It makes things more efficient since you only have to do one copy in AnyOrder instead of several.  This is a particularly handy feature when filling in the forms of postal and shipping companies.

AnyOrder delays .4 seconds as it copies each address line.  This slight delay allows a clipboard program time to pick up the new text and store it.  If you find that the clipboard program is not picking up all of the address lines, you'll need to make a timing adjustment in the clipboard program.  This adjustment is usually found under "User Preferences" or "Options."  What you need to do is to reduce the capture delay time to around 100 milliseconds.  For example, in ClipMate which is one of the most popular clipboard programs, you would select CONFIG and USER PREFERENCES from the menu.  Click on the "Advanced" tab and reduce the "Capture Delay" time to 100 milliseconds.

Paste Address (Tab Separated)

This function takes an address stored in the clipboard and pastes it into either the Billing or Shipping blanks on the screen.  The address which is stored must be separated with tabs.  Each address component needs to line up with the fields on the screen.  In other words the first component should be the name, the second component should be address1, the third component should be address2, the fourth component should be city, the fifth component should be the zip code, etc.

This function allows you to copy a row from a spreadsheet program and paste it into AnyOrder.  You can also use this function along with Copy Address(Tab Separated), above, to paste addresses in other parts of AnyOrder.

Undo Address Paste

This special undo function is available for address pastes.  If an address paste does come out the way you want, select this to return to the previous situation.