Pasting and Copying Credit Card Numbers

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To access credit card number pasting and copying features, right click when the cursor is in the "Card" (Credit Card #) blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  A speed menu will appear.  You have several choices:

Paste Number + Verify. This will take a credit card number that you have previously copied to the clipboard and paste it in the "Card" (Credit Card #) blank.  After the number is pasted, AnyOrder automatically runs a verification check on the number.

Copy Number to Clipboard. This function copies the number in the "Card" blank to the clipboard.

Paste Number & Exp Date + Verify. This function takes a credit number/expiration date combination in the clipboard and extracts the two.  The number is copied to the "Card" blank and the Expiration Date is copied to the "Exp" blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  In order to use this function, the Credit Card Number and Expiration Date should be all in one line: 3458799998990587  02/08.  Also, the date should have a slash between the month and year.  After the number is pasted, AnyOrder automatically runs a verification check on the number.

Copy Number & Exp Date. This function copies the number in the Card Number blank and combines it with the expiration date.  The number and expiration date are placed on the same line: 3458799998990587  02/08.

Copying & Pasting Encrypted Numbers. You can copy an encrypted credit card number.  However, you must copy the entire encrypted number.  In other words, you can't copy the 4 digits that are displayed if you have encryption set to Option 3A.  If you are using Option 3A, you'll need to un-encrypt the number and then copy it.  (See Credit Card Encryption for more information on the options.)
    If you have encryption set to Option 3B (show only the full encrypted number), you can copy the number.  To copy the number, you can use any method you desire.  You can use EDIT >> COPY or CTRL+C.  Or you can use right click menu choice (described above) to copy the number or the number and the expiration date.  To paste it, you must use the right click menu.  Right clicking in the "Card/Exp" blank and using either of the following menu choices:  "Paste Number & Verify" or "Paste Number & Exp Date + Verify." Reminder:  you can not paste using CTRL+V  or EDIT >> PASTE.  Pasting the coded characters of an encrypted credit number require a special paste which is only available by using the right click menu.


Use one or both of the following features to format the card number for all of the above copying and pasting options:

Format Card # When Pasting. To activate this feature, click on it with the left mouse button.  The speed menu will close but upon opening it again, you'll see a checkmark.  The checkmark means that when you paste the card number, AnyOrder will insert a space between every fourth digit.  For example, 3458799998990587 becomes 3458 7999 9899 0587 when pasted in the "Card" (Card #) blank.  If "Format Card # When Pasting" is not checked, then all spaces are removed from the number (if any) and it is pasted in the "Card" blank as one continuous number.

Format Card # When Copying. To activate this feature, click on it with the left mouse button.  The speed menu will close but upon opening it again, you'll see a checkmark.  The checkmark means that when you copy the card number to the clipboard, AnyOrder will insert a space between every fourth digit.  For example, 3458799998990587 becomes 3458 7999 9899 0587 when copied to the clipboard.  If "Format Card # When Copying" is not checked, then all spaces are removed from the number (if any) before it's placed in the clipboard.