Background: AnyOrder's Touch Tone Credit Card Processing Feature

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Note that information below is for Tone Tone Card Processing.  AnyOrder also supports Gateway credit card processing.

For: Levels 3 and Above

In order to use AnyOrder's touch tone credit card processing feature, you need to have a modem installed in your computer, and a phone located nearby. Gateway processing, on the other hand, requires an Internet connection.  (For more details on computer specifications, see System Requirements.)

You also need to have a credit card merchant's account with your bank or financial institution.  If you don't have one, you'll want to check with your bank and arrange to have an account set up. When you sign up for a merchant's account, you can buy or lease specialized software and/or card readers to authorize cards.  You'll want to purchase those services, of course, if you are doing a large volume of credit cards.

But if you are authorizing only a few cards a day--or a few cards a month--it is not necessary to invest in expensive software or hardware.  Rather, choose a plan from the bank which allows you to use your phone to obtain authorization information.

Many processing centers offer vocal or, better yet, touch tone processing in which you key-in the appropriate information.  When you use touch tone processing, you never end up talking with anyone. A computer generated voice will ask you to key-in the appropriate information.  Even so-called voice authorization systems are mostly all computerized, requiring you to enter your merchant's number and other information using the touch keys on your phone.

If you have a choice, go with touch tone processing since you can usually get a lower rate when compared to voice authorization.   In many cases, touch tone processing will immediately capture the card information and credit your account allowing you to forgo submitting paper documents to your bank.  It is all done electronically just like a card reader--except you don't have to pay a monthly fee to rent the card reader!

Normally, voice or touch tone processing isn't much fun since you have to key-in all the information. AnyOrder, however, gathers all appropriate information from the invoice.  When you're ready, you click on a button and AnyOrder! calls the processing center for you.  When the processing center comes on the line and asks for the merchant number, you click on the merchant number button and AnyOrder! keys in the number for you.  When the processing center asks for the credit card number, you do the same thing, and AnyOrder! keys it in for you.  And so on.

Then when everything is keyed in, the processing center's computer will come back with the authorization number which you write down or type into a dialog box provided by AnyOrder.

Basically what AnyOrder! does is to take the place of a person trying to punch all the buttons on the phone.  You simply get everything set up in advance, and when prompted by the processing center, you click with your mouse to enter the numbers. It takes away all the hassles of authorizing cards using voice or touch tone processing.