Credit Card Processing (Gateway)

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For: Levels 4 and Above

Note: if you are looking for instructions on how to practice with the built-in test cards, see: Practice Instructions

One type of credit card processing supported by AnyOrder is card authorization through a Credit Card Gateway.  Gateways are commonly utilized by websites and shopping carts for credit card transactions.  But it is also possible to use a Gateway to process cards directly through AnyOrder without going through a website.  In order to do that, we have licensed a special technology which by-passes the website intermediary and sends the card data directly over the Internet.  Approval times typically take one to two seconds, and everything is handled internally in AnyOrder.

In order to use this type of credit card processing system, you must have an account with a credit card Gateway.  If you have a website and a shopping cart that takes credit cards, you likely already have the necessary account.  If you don't, but would like to use this type of card processing, talk to your bank and arrange to have an account set-up.


The following screen appears:



Note: If you are unable to reach the above screen, see Troubleshooting


Gateway Credit Processing: Available as an Add-On

The Gateway Credit Card Processing module is not included in the price of the main AnyOrder program.  It is purchased as a separate Add-on.  However, you don't have to download and install any extra software.  You'll find the module already built into the program.  That gives you the opportunity to try it out and decide whether you'd like to use it on a regular basis.  

To provide you with sufficient opportunity to test and evaluate it, the module allows you to authorize up to 10 cards.  Only authorized cards are counted.  Declined cards are not counted, nor are cards processed in the "Test" mode.  As long as you are using the test mode, you can process as many cards as you desire.

If you find that the module would be useful in your business, drop us a line and we'll get you registered.  (The registration cost is found on our website.)  Once registered, you'll be able to process as many cards as desired.

One last note.  The Gateway Credit Card Processing module is not level dependent.  In other words, you can take advantage of it whether for all Levels 4 and greater.

Authorizing a Practice Card

Many Gateways require that you set-up an account before you can run a practice credit card, but AnyOrder comes with two Gateways which allow you to process test card numbers without signing up.  This is a great way of getting started and learning how the process works.

The first one that you should try USA ePay.

Start in the Gateway Credit Card Processing dialog box.  It's reached by selecting INVOICE TOOLS >> CREDIT CARD AUTHORIZATION >> GATEWAY CREDIT CARD PROCESSING.

Make sure the "Options" Panel is showing on the right side of the screen.  If it's not showing, click on the "Show Options" button found just above the "Close" button.  Then click on "Gateway Set-Up" which is located in the upper right corner of the dialog box.  The set-up screen will appear.  Click on the "List" button and select USA ePay.

That's all you need to do.  All the configuration information has been pre-set for you.  Close out of the set-up screen and return to the main gateway processing screen.  In the "Options" Panel, click on "Test" button.  Remember to click on "Test."  That's important.  You'll notice that an orange colored "TEST" indicator appears, and the test card number, expiration date, etc. will be entered in the appropriate blanks.

Then click on "AUTHORIZE."

Using your Internet connection, AnyOrder will contact the USA ePay secure server and send the card information.  The USA ePay server, in return, will send back its response back to you.  It's all done in a blink of the eye.

A message will appear telling you that the card is approved.  Details of the response are found in the lower part of the screen.

Try doing the same thing with Authorize.Net.  First go to the set-up screen and select Authorize.Net from the list.  Return to the processing dialog box.  Remember to click on the "Test" button.  That inserts the test credit card number.  Then click on "Authorize."

Other Tests

After trying out the two Gateways described above, you'll want to try it with your Gateway.  To do so, you'll need to get a test card number and other information from your Gateway's customer support.  Some Gateways use a special test configuration and some don't.  You can enter the test information on the Gateway Set-up Screen.

If you entered the test information on the Gateway Set-up Screen, it's just a matter of clicking on the "Test" button to bring up your test card credit information and run a test.  It is possible to simply type in a test card directly into the Credit Card # field. But keep in the mind if you don't use the "Test" button, AnyOrder assumes that you are processing a real card.  When you exit from the Gateway Credit Card Processing dialog box, AnyOrder will mark the invoice paid and date it.  If you use a test number and you don't click on the "Test" button, be sure to change the invoice's paid status back to the original situation upon returning to the Main Invoice Screen.

Gateways Supported

In order to use the Credit Card Module, you'll need to set up a merchant's account with one of the 60 included Gateways.  One Gateway that we've tested extensively -- and which has reasonable monthly charges -- is MyVirtualMerchant and it works well.  All of the other Gateways require some tweaking of the configuration settings.  Some are easier than others.  If you can, stay away from LinkPoint and its siblings (FirstData and Your Pay) which are some of the more complex Gateways from a configuration standpoint.   AnyOrderwill still handle them but dealing with the secure server set-up for these can be pain in you-know-what.

At this writing, here's a list of the Gateways supported.  Each Gateway has been assigned a Gateway number.  Following the assigned number is the company's web address:

Authorize.Net (1)

DPI Link (2) This gateway is no longer in service.

eProcessing (3)

GoRealTime (Full-pass) (4)

IBill Processing Plus (5)

Intellipay ExpertLink (6)

Iongate (7) This gateway is no longer in service.

iTransact RediCharge HTML (8)

NetBilling (9)

Verisign PayFlow Pro (10)

Payready Link (11) This gateway is no longer in service.

NOVA's Viaklix (12)

USA ePay (13)

Plug 'n Pay (14)

Planet Payment (15)

MPCS (16)

RTWare (17)

ECX (18)

Bank of America (19)

Innovative Gateway (20)

Merchant Anywhere (Transaction Central) (21)

SkipJack (22)

ECHOnline (23)

3 Delta Systems (3DSI) EC-Linx(24)

TrustCommerce (25)

PSIGate (26)

PayFuse XML(27)

PayFlowLink (28)

Paymentech Orbital Gateway (29)

LinkPoint (30)

Moneris eSelect Plus Canada(31)

uSight Gateway (32)

Fast Transact (33)

NetworkMerchants (34)

Ogone DirectLink(35)

Concord EFSNet (36)

Payment Resources International PRIGate (37)

Protx (38)

Optimal Payments / FirePay (39)

Merchant Partners (40)

CyberCash (41)

FirstData / CardService International (42)

YourPay (43)

ACH Payments (44)

Payments Gateway (45)

Cyber Source (46)

eWay (Australia) (47)

goEmerchant XML(48)

PayStream (Australia)(49)

TransFirst eLink(50)

Chase Merchant Services (51)

PSIGate XML Interface (52)

NexCommerce (53)

WorldPay Select Junior Invisible (54)

Transaction Central (55) Used by several other gateways.

Paygea (56)

Sterling SPOT API (57)

PayJunction Trinity Gateway (58)

SECPay (59)

Payment Express PXPost (60)

NOVA/My Virtual Merchant (61)

Sage Payment Solutions Bankcard HTTPS (62)

SecurePay (Script API/COM Object Interface) (63)

Moneris eSelect Plus USA(64)


General Information of the Gateway Dialog Box

The Gateway Credit Card Processing Dialog Box consists of three parts: Main Panel, Options Panel and Response Panel.  Each are described in more detail below.

Options Panel.

The right side of the dialog box is the Options panel.

"Gateway Set-up" Button. The "Gateway Set-up Button is the top, right most button on the dialog box.  When you click this button, you'll need to log-in first.  To log-in, use your credit card encryption log-in name and password.  Or if you have set-up an administrator, you can use the administrator's log-in.  The log-in requirement is for your protection since the Gateway set-up screen includes at least one password.  Once you're logged in, you'll be taken to Gateway Set-up dialog box.  Here, you can select the default Gateway which you will be using to process credit cards.  Additionally, you also have the option to configure the Gateway.  More about this here: Gateway Set-up screen.

"If card is approved, auto-close this dialog box." This is a helpful feature when you are processing a series of cards.  Normally, after processing a card, you need to click on "Close" to exit the Gate Credit Card Processing dialog box and return to the Main Invoice Screen.  If you place a checkmark here, once the card is processed, you' don't have to click the "Close" button. You'll be returned the Main Invoice Screen automatically, and you'll be ready to move to the next invoice.  The auto close feature works only for "Sales" transactions.  It doesn't work for credits, voids, authorize only, AVS checks, etc.

Required [R] Boxes. One handy feature of the Gateway Processing Dialog Box is to ability to mark which fields are required by your Gateway to authorize a card.  For example, some require a phone number.  Some don't.  Some require an email address.  Some don't.
   Take a look at the instruction manual that you received when you first set-up your Gateway account.  (These are often available on-line).  Find our which fields are required.  Then unlock the Required boxes by clicking on the "Unlock" button. With your mouse, click in the squares beside each required field.  A red "R" will appear.
   After you finish marking the required boxes, click on the "Lock" button so that the boxes can't be accidentally changed.  In addition to the "R" boxes, AnyOrder will also use an orange shading to highlight any required field that happens to be empty.  With this system, you can quickly identify fields that need to be filled.

"Test" button. Gateways will provide you with a test card for practice purposes.  On the Gateway Set-up screen you can enter the test card number, expiration date, etc.  Additionally, some Gateways required a special configuration to test cards.  If required, the test configuration is also entered on the Gateway Set-up Screen.  Once this information is entered, the "Test" button is ready to use.  When you click on "Test", the test credit card number and other information will inserted in the appropriate blanks.  Then, it's just a matter of clicking on the "Authorize" button to run a test.  Once the test is over, you can remove the test credit card number by clicking on the "Turn Test Off" button.  AnyOrder will restore all original information in the card data fields.

"Diagnose Report" button.  The button at the very bottom of the Options panel is used for troubleshooting.  The diagnostics report created by when this button is clicked is placed in the "Transaction Details" at the bottom of the screen.  This feature is handy when you are having problems setting-up a Gateway.  By examining the diagnostics report, you can see what variables are being sent to the Gateway and the values of each variable.  To make the report useful, you'll need to obtain a technical support manual from the Gateway.  The manual is used by website designers and describes each of the variables, their names and values.  Look at the diagnostics report and compare it to the technical support manual.  You are looking for inconsistencies between the two.  An inconsistency will often be the source of the problem.  Note for easier reading, the Diagnostics report can be moved to the clipboard by using the "Copy to Clipboard" button -- and which, in turn, may be inserted into a word processing program.

Main Panel

The top half of the Gateway Credit Card Processing dialog box consists of the fields that are used for processing a credit card.  The Main Panel also includes the buttons to pre-authorize and authorize the card.

Fields: General Information. The Card Holder Name, address, card number, expiration date, etc. are all fields which will be sent to the Gateway's secure server.  As mentioned previously, which fields are actually required depends upon your Gateway.  You can mark the required fields, and make them easily identifiable, by placing a [R] box beside it.  (See "Required [R] Boxes" above for more information.).
   When you first open the Gateway Processing dialog box, the fields will be filled with data from the current invoice showing on the Main Invoice Screen.

ID and Approval Fields. Two of the fields ("ID" and "Approval") are empty, unless the card has been already processed.  If you are voiding a card, processing a credit, etc., you may need either the Transaction ID number or the Approval Code.  AnyOrder will automatically pick these up from the invoice if the card has been previously processed.
  Note that if you utilize the Alternative Invoice Numbering system, AnyOrder uses the card authorization field for alternative numbers.  In that case, AnyOrder will record any authorization codes in the Notes Area of the invoice.

Address2 and Use AVS Numbers Only Buttons.  Two buttons ("Use Address2" and "Use AVS Numbers Only") are handy for AVS (Address Verification System).  The AVS system uses the number from a street address.  If the street address is found in the Address2 field, you can click on the "Use Address2" and AnyOrder will use the second address.  You can move back to Address1 by clicking the button again.  Some gateways require that the AVS address be a number only.  You can set this up as a default in Gateway Set-up and it's done automatically for you.  But, if desired, you can also do it on a card by card basis by using this button.  Some Gateways claim that including the street name with the numbers is acceptable, but you may find that the Gateway also has a limit on the length of the address.  If you get an "AVS Address Too Long" message, you can click this button to limit it to only numbers.

Extra Fields. You probably will never have to worry about the two "Extra" fields but they are available should a certain transaction require additional information not covered by all of the other fields.

Transaction Type. The next part of the dialog box includes the "Transaction Type" drop down box.  It's automatically set to "Sales."  But you can also change it to "Credit" , "Void" , "Authorize Only" , "AVS Only" , "Capture" , "Force." You should be aware that not all Gateways support all of these transactions.  You can refer to their technical manual to find out.

Pre-Authorize / Authorize Buttons. Pre-Authorize does not communicate with the Gateway's server.  Pre-Authorize is basically the same as AnyOrder's card number verification feature available on the Main Invoice Screen.  It runs a check on the card number and it makes sure the digits pass a mathematical test.  Additionally, it checks the expiration date, and finally, it determines the name of the card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, etc.).  It's a good idea to run this test just before processing a card.  Some Gateways will charge you a small extra fee if you send an invalid card number to the server.
   Finally, the "Authorization" button is clicked when you are ready to send the card number, expiration date, etc. to Gateway Server.

Response Panel

The bottom half the Gateway Processing dialog box is used for responses from the Gateway after the card is processed.  If the card is declined, you'll generally find the reason included amongst this information.  Sometimes you need to look in the "Transaction Details" box for an explanation.  If the card is accepted and authorized, then the transaction number and approval number will found here.  Additional information on AVS and CVV are found under their respective headings.

You can copy the content of the Transaction Details box by clicking the "Copy to Clipboard" button.  This may be handy when you are first getting a Gateway set-up.  The Transaction Details area is not disabled (for copying purposes), and if you accidentally make changes, you can always return to the original by clicking on "Restore."

Returning to the Main Invoice Screen

When you click on the "Close" button, AnyOrder returns to the Main Invoice Screen.  The Approval # returned by the Gateway's server will saved in the "Approval" field, just below the credit card number.

The transaction number will be placed in the "Notes" area at the bottom of the Main Invoice Screen.  It looks like this:  "[ID#>xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]" where xxx is the number.  The prefix and the closing bracket are used by AnyOrder to locate the transaction number, so be sure not to remove them.  Also, any AVS or CVV response information is included.

If it's a sale, AnyOrder will indicate the amount paid (same amount as processed on the credit card) in the Payment Box on the Main Invoice Screen.  It will also date it.  If it's a credit, AnyOrder will indicate that the amount that has been refunded to the customer.  No adjustments of the Payment Area are made for Void, Authorization Only, Capture and Forces.

Note that if you utilize the Alternative Invoice Numbering system, AnyOrder uses the card authorization field for alternative numbers.  In that case, AnyOrder will record any authorization codes in the Notes Area of the invoice.

Licensed Technology Used in Gateway Processing

For Gateway processing, we have licensed a technology from n/ Software Company called iBiz E-Payment Integrator.  It has been approved for use with all of the Gateways listed above.