Find by Scanning Barcode / Find by Scanning Tracking Number

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Barcode features are only found on the Level 5 (or higher) program.

Find by Scanning Invoice Barcode.

In the Level 5 (or higher) program, invoices can be barcoded.  For more information on how to include a barcode on an invoice, see Printing, More Options.  If an invoice has a printed barcode on it, you can scan the barcode, and AnyOrder automatically displays the invoice.

To reach the barcode dialog box, select GO TO >> FIND BY SCANNING INVOICE BARCODE.  The following dialog box appears:


Note that you can automatically bring up this dialog box by programming your barcode reader with an F2 prefix (see Barcode Features for information on programming your barcode reader).  When the barcode reader is programmed in this way, the barcode dialog is activated as soon as you scan the barcode.  It is not necessary to select it from the menu.

When you scan the barcode, AnyOrder searches through the data file of invoices, locates it, and displays the invoice on the screen.  It's also possible to type in the invoice's barcode number instead of scanning it.  Press F2 to bring up the Barcode dialog box.  Type in the percent sign "%" and then invoice's invoice number. If the invoice number is less than six digits, you also need to pad the number with leading zeros so that the total number is six digits, i.e. %000125.  Then click on the "M" (Manual) button.  For information on how invoices are barcoded, see Barcode Features.

You'll also notice that the barcode dialog box has a field for quantity and S-code.  Those fields are used for scanning products are not applicable when scanning invoices.

Find by Scanning Tracking Number

AnyOrder has the ability to locate an invoice by scanning the tracking number.  Normally, you can activate the barcode dialog box by programming your barcode reader with a F2 prefix.  But scanning a tracking number is a special use of the barcode reader.  In this case, you'll need to activate the barcode dialog by selecting GO TO >> FIND BY SCANNING TRACKING #  (or SHIFT+F2).

The barcode dialog box will appear.  Scan the tracking number and AnyOrder will locate the invoice where the tracking number is recorded.

The feature also works with multi-package invoices.  (For information on setting up invoices that require more than one package, see multi-package features).  When you scan in a tracking number from a multi-package shipment, AnyOrder will locate and display the invoice, and it will tell you which package the tracking number is associated with.

Note: if you want to paste a tracking number to the invoice (not find a tracking number), place your cursor in the Tracking # field.  Then scan the tracking number on the package.

More information: Barcode Features