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This is an AnyOrder Level 6 and 7 feature.

To reach Bookmarks, select GO TO >> BOOKMARKS from the menu on top of the Main Invoice Screen.

This feature allows you to bookmark an invoice and then return to it at a later time.  Let's say one of the customers believes there are errors in two invoices.  You can bookmark each invoice, and then, move back and forth between the invoices.

To bookmark an invoice, go the invoice.  Select GO TO >> BOOKMARKS.  Give the bookmark a name (you have 30 characters of space).  Then click "Add Bookmark."  The name will be added to the list and the Bookmark dialog box will close.

You can also have AnyOrder insert a bookmark name for you.  You can do that by clicking on "Use Bill Name & Add" or "Use Ship Name & Add."  The billing or shipping name will be used for the bookmark name.

Later when you are ready to return to the invoice. select GO TO >> BOOKMARKS.  Choose the desired name from the list and click on "Go to Bookmark."  AnyOrder will close the Bookmark dialog box and go to the proper invoice.

Bookmarks are removed from the list by using the "Delete Bookmark" button.  When a bookmark is deleted, the word "Available" appears in its place.