Basic Program Set-Up: Details on the "Alt invoice Number" Page

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This is an AnyOrder Level 6 & 7 feature.

To reach this part of the program, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select FILE and BASIC PROGRAM SET UP & PREFERENCES from the Menu Bar. Then click on the "Alt Invoice #" tab:




It's easiest to use AnyOrder's internal invoice numbers.  However, if you have special requirements, you can set-up an alternative numbering system.

Note: If you are planning to issue billing statements, then we suggest that you not use alternative numbering.  Billing statements use the internal invoice number and it may be confusing for customers if alternative numbers are used on the printed invoices.  If you don't issue billing statements, then it wouldn't be an issue.

Alternative numbers use the Alt Invoice # field on the Main invoice Screen.  If a number is found here, then AnyOrder uses it for the number on the printed invoice.  If the Alt Invoice # is blank, AnyOrder uses the internally generated number.

Note that when you set-up alternative numbering, past invoices are not re-numbered.  Alternate numbering starts with the next newly created invoice.  If you need to re-number past invoices, click on the "re-number" button.


Parts of this screen include:


Check this box if you desire to use Alternative Numbering.

If you wish to use Alternative Invoice Numbering, place a checkmark here.  AnyOrder uses the Alt Invoice Number field for these numbers.  When AnyOrder prints an invoice, it looks at this field first.  If it finds a value here, it will print it as the invoice number on the printed invoice.  If nothing is found in this field, then it prints the internally generated number."

Use the following prefix (and/or the following suffix)

If desired you may attach a prefix to the invoice number.  For instance, you may wish to start all of your invoice numbers with a 'B' such as:  B55143.  OR if desired you may attach a suffix to the invoice number.  For example, you may wish to have invoice numbers that end with an 'A' such as:  55143A.  You can use from one to six letters for your prefix.  This setting applies only to new invoices created. It won't effect any previously issued invoices.  You have a limit of six characters when the suffix and prefix (if any) are combined."

Auto-numbering systems

These are your choices:

1. None - I will manually number the invoices

This means AnyOrder will leave the 'Alt Invoice #' field blank for you to fill in.  If you don't fill it in, AnyOrder will use the internally generated number on the printed purchase order.  

2. Use AnyOrder's internal number with the prefix or suffix indicated above

If you select this option, AnyOrder will use its internally number and add the prefix and/or suffix.  It will place that number the 'Alt Invoice #' blank.

3. Use AnyOrder's internal numbering system, but add or subtract the following number:

If you select this option, AnyOrder will use the number that you indicate, and will add or subtract it from the internally generated number.  For example, let's say you type in -300.  If AnyOrder's internally generated number is 500, it will place 200 in the 'Alt Invoice #' blank, along with your prefix or suffix, if any.

4. Use the Alternative Number on the previous invoice and increment it by one (1).

Finally, if you select this option, AnyOrder will look at the 'Alt Invoice #' blank on the previous invoice.  It will take that number and increment it by one (1).  Let's say the Alternative Invoice Number on your last invoice is 1003.  When you create a new invoice, the Alternative Invoice Number will be 1004 (with the prefix or suffix, if any)."