Basic Program Set Up & Preferences: General Information

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Before you start entering information on invoices, you'll want to set-up the program for your business environment.  The program needs to know your address for printing out invoices.  It needs to know if your state charges sales tax and how much, etc.  All this information is entered in Basic Setup.  Once it's entered, it's saved as your program's defaults and you won't have to worry about it anymore.

To reach it, select FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET UP & PREFERENCES from the Menu Bar.  The Basic Program Set-up Screen will appear:


To assist you, a help system has been built into the dialog box.  As you TAB from question to question, a box at the bottom of the screen describes the type of information needed.

Be sure to use TAB when you want to use the help system.  If you click on checkboxes and radio buttons, the value will change.  The values remain the same if you use TAB.

At the top of the Basic Set-up Screen, you'll notice a series of tabs, such as "Basics," "Your Business Address," "Dates / Fiscal Year", etc.  The tabs take you to different parts of Basic Set-up.  More information on each of the tabs is found below:

Basics Page

Your Business Address Page

Dates/Fiscal Year

Telephone / Internet Page

Credit Card Processing Page

Colors / AllPrint


Sales Tax

Payment Methods

Email Set-up

Alt Invoice #



When you are ready to exit, select FILE from the Menu Bar at the top of the page, and choose SAVE & CLOSE.

As you exit, all the values that you entered are saved in the file Bsetup.dbf. Bsetup.dbf is loaded automatically each time the program is started.  As a precaution, it is also saved on your back-up disk each time you do a back-up.