Basic Program Set-Up: Details on the "Business Address" Page

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To reach Basic Program Set-up, select FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET UP from the Menu Bar. The Basic Program Set-up Screen will appear.  At the top of your screen, you'll notice several file folder tabs.  Click on "Your Business Address" to reach this portion of Basic Information:



Parts of the Business Address segment of Basic Program Set-up include:



Name of Business

Type in the name of your business as you would like it to appear on the top of invoices and billing statements.  You have 45 characters of space available.  Note that if you plan to use logos on your invoice, keep the length under 30 characters. You can click on "Check Length" to find out how many characters your name is.  If the length goes over 30 characters, the logo will overlap it.  If you don't plan to use logos, the name can be as long as desired.


Note that your Registration Code is keyed to the name of your business.  If you decide to change your business name, drop us an email and we'll be very happy to provide you with a new code.



Type in your business street address, box number or both.  For instance, you might type in something like to the following: P.O. Box 4671, 355 South Main Street.  This address will appear on the top of invoices and billing statements.  You have 60 characters of space available.  Note that if you plan to use logos on your invoice, keep the length under 36 characters.  If the length goes over 36 characters, the logo will overlap it. You can click on "Check Length" to find out how many characters your address is.  If you don't plan to use logos, the address can be as long as desired.


City, State, Zip

Type in the city, state, zip code--or city, province, country, country code.  For example, you might type in something like the following: Boise, Idaho 83843.  This will appear on the top of invoices and billing statements.  You have 60 characters of space available.  Note that if you plan to use logos on your invoice, keep the length under 36 characters.  If the length goes over 36 characters, the logo will overlap it. You can click on "Check Length" to find out how many characters your address is.  If you don't plan to use logos, the address can be as long as desired.


First Line After City/State (Line 1)

This line appears just under the city/state line on invoices, statements and royalty reports.  You can enter whatever information you desire.  Most people use this space for their business phone and fax number.  For example, you might type in something like the following: Phone:  208-236-0412 / Fax: 208-234-5679.  You have 70 characters available.



Second Line after City/State (Line 2):

This is the second line that appears after the city/state line. It's only used on invoices.  You can enter whatever information you desire.  Most people type in their email or website address, but other numbers can be entered such as a Federal ID number.  Here's an example: Email: / Website:  You have 70 characters of space available."

Note: It's up to you what is included in Line 1 and Line 2 just after City/State.  It might be helpful to know that both of these lines will be printed on the top of invoices sent to your customers.  Only the first line is printed on top of Billing Statements and Royalty Reports.


Configuring the Program for More Than One Business Name & Address - Level 6 - 7

Level 6 and 7 users can purchase an add-on which allows you to have more than one business name and address on the invoice.  This might useful if you have different company divisions, different imprints, or different product lines.

The cost is dependent upon the number of additional business names that are required.  Check with the developer for pricing.

If you purchase the add-on, you'll be provided with a registration code.  After entering the registration code, you find a new button the "Business Address" page:


When you click on this button, the following dialog box appears:



The "Additional Business Names" dialog box allows you to add more company names and addresses.  The default company name (the one that you entered above) should be the name and address that you plan to use the most.  All other names and addresses can be entered in the "Additional Business Names" dialog box.

AnyOrder uses the Invoice Code on the Main Invoice Screen to determine which business name and address to use.  Invoice codes are entered in the "Gen" field as shown below:



When filling out the "Additional Business Names" dialog box, make sure you have a checkmark beside: "Turn this feature on."  The Invoice Code that you have chosen is entered in the field circled below:



Note that if there is no Invoice Code on the Main Invoice Screen, then AnyOrder will use the default business name and address on the printed invoice.  If there's a code, however, it will use the business name with the matching code from the "Additional Business Names" dialog box.

Fill in the rest of fields on the dialog box with the business address, phone numbers, email, etc.  You can even have different logos on the printed invoice depending upon the business name.

More business names can be added by clicking on the "Add New" button.  If you have several business names, you can move back and forth through them by pressing PageUp and PageDown on your keyboard.

If, sometime, in the future, you need to delete a business name, that's done by selecting EDIT >> DELETE THIS NAME AND ADDRESS.