Basic Program Set-Up: Details on the "Payment Methods" Page

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All of the features found on this page are for Level 4 and higher

To reach the Payment Methods page, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET UP from the Menu Bar.  Click on the "Payment Methods" tab on top of the page:



The Payment Methods page will appear:



Payment Methods are the way in which a customer pays off their bill.  They may pay off by cash, check, credit card, electronic transfer, etc.  The Deposit and Payment Report (found under the INVOICE TOOLS menu on the Main Invoice Screen) will provide you with a breakdown on how much has been paid in relation to payment method.

The payment method is entered on the Main Invoice Screen when you mark invoices paid.

AnyOrder comes with several built-in payment methods, but, if desired, you may add your own.  This is the place to do that.

Type in the payment method in the blank on the screen.  There is a limit of 10 characters.  Payment methods may include such things as: PayPal, ETransfer (for electronic transfer), MOrder (for Money Order),  WUnion (for Western Union), etc.

Note: that often dialog boxes in AnyOrder also use the term "Paid Via" for "Payment Method."