Basic Program Set-Up: Details on the "Networking / Currency " Page

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To reach Basic Program Set-up, select FILE and BASIC PROGRAM SET UP from the Menu Bar. The Basic Program Set-up Screen will appear.  At the top of your screen, you'll notice several file folder tabs.  Click on "Networking / Currency " to reach this portion of Basic Information.

Check to turn off AnyOrder's networking functions

If you check this box, Networking functions will be turned off.  If you are not using AnyOrder in a network, then it's highly recommended that you check this box.  It will improve performance.  If you ARE using AnyOrder on a network, then you'll NOT want to check this box.

Networked systems: enter path to common data directory

If you are using AnyOrder on two or more computers that are networked, type in the path to the Common Data Directory.  You may also click on the Browse button to search for the directory and have it pasted in the blank for you. Be sure to leave this blank if you are NOT networking AnyOrder.

The Common Data Directory is the directory containing AnyOrder's database files which are shared by all computers on the network.  This is almost always the directory on the server where the AnyOrder program has been installed.  When you enter the Common Data Directory, make sure that the network is operating and the directory is currently accessible.  Upon exiting from Basic Set-up, AnyOrder will run a test to assure that the directory can be used.

We have complete instructions for setting up the network.  They are found here: Setting up AnyOrder for Networking.

To reach this area of the program, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select File >> Basic Program Set-up & Preferences from the Menu Bar.  Then click on the "Networking / Currency" tab.  Enter the path to the AnyOrder directory on the server (or computer you are using for the server.  The AnyOrder directory on the server is called the "Common Data Directory."

To reach this area of the program, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select File >> Basic Program Set-up & Preferences from the Menu Bar. Then click on the "Networking / Currency" tab. Enter the path to the AnyOrder directory on the server (or computer you are using for the server. The AnyOrder directory on the server is called the "Common Data Directory."

You'll need to enter the path to the Common Data Directory on each workstation.  However, do not enter the directory on the server machine.  It should be left blank on the server.  Even if you enter the correct path to the AnyOrder directory on the server, it will cause problems with the program's operation.  Leave this field empty on the server.


Turn OFF the Data File Packing and Indexing Process When Program Exits

Each time AnyOrder shuts down, it automatically runs a Packing and Indexing process.  This process keeps the size of your files trimmed down by removing any records which the program has deleted.  However, if you have particularly large data files -- particularly large data files on a networked system -- you can turn it off.  If you turn it off, you'll need run the process manually every so often.  This is the place to turn it off.  If you turn it off, you'll also want to indicate how often you want the program to remind you to run the packing process.  Once a month is suggested.   A reminder message will appear when you start the program.

If packing is turned off, remind me to manually Pack & Index every ___ months

If you've turned off the packing process (as explained above), AnyOrder will display, at regular intervals, a message to remind you to manually pack the files.  To manually pack the files, select FILE >> FILE MAINTAINANCE FUNCTIONS >> PACKING PROCESS.  You can set the frequency of the reminder message here.  It is suggested that you have the program remind you once a month.  If you don't want a reminder, set it to zero (0).

Enter the symbol for your base currency (the currency that you normally work with)

Enter the symbol for your base currency.  (See illustration below.)  This is the normal, everyday currency with which you work.  In almost all cases, the symbol that you enter will be the currency of your country.  For example, in the United States, you would enter a dollar sign: $.  This symbol will be used for all of AnyOrder's primary transactions, reports, invoices, etc.  If, on some invoices, you need to convert to a different currency use the currency conversation feature.


If desired, you may also include the three letter symbol that corresponds to the above symbol:

Enter the three-letter abbreviation for your base currency.  (See illustration above.)  This is the normal currency with which you work.  When you enter an abbreviation here, it and the full name of the currency (see next) will be included on invoices.  The abbreviation is optional, but it's highly recommended if you make sales outside of your country.  By including it, there will no mistaking the currency of the invoice.

If you do not wish the three-letter abbreviation to appear on invoices, then leave it blank.

In international commerce, the three-letter abbreviation is a standard referred to as ISO 4217.  The ISO abbreviations are recognized throughout the world. Here are some examples: USD (U.S. Dollars), AUD (Australian Dollars), CAD (Canadian Dollars), GBP (British Pounds), EUR (Euro).  More examples are found in Currency Conversion.

Full Name of your base currency

If you have filled in the three-letter ISO abbreviation (above), type in the full name of your base currency.  (See illustration above.)  For example, you may type in 'U.S. Dollars' or 'British Pounds' or 'Canadian Dollars,' etc.  The three-letter abbreviation plus the currency's full name will appear on invoices. If you do not wish the three-letter abbreviation and the full name to appear on invoices, then leave both blank.