A Brief Introduction, Page 5

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Product Items & Catalog Numbers

You don't have to assign catalog numbers to your products.  If you do, however, you can take advantage of a number of helpful features built into AnyOrder.  One feature enables you to have product information entered on the Main Invoice Form without having to type it.  Another is the ability to check inventory levels of your products whenever desired.

To assign catalog numbers, use the Product Information Database.  To get there, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select PRODUCT TOOLS and PRODUCT INFORMATION AND CATALOG NUMBERS.  The Product Information Screen will appear:


Be sure to enter information in the first three blanks: catalog number, retail price and item's name.  The rest of the fields are optional.

Choose a catalog number that is easy for you to remember.  This is a number for your own use which will be entered on the Main Invoice Form.  You can use up to thirteen letters or numbers.

The bottom half of the Product Information Screen can be used to enter information about inventory and the cost of the item.  This information is not required, but if you'd like the program to keep track your inventory, you'll want to enter it.

Entering Catalog Numbers and Product Information on the Invoice

The products that you sell to a customer are entered in the Item Area in the middle of the Main Invoice Screen.  There are a number of different of different ways of entering catalog numbers and other product information.  One of the easiest is to click the small, light blue "Add" button (just above the Item Area).


A new row will be added to the Item Area and a pop-up list of products will appear:


The pop-up list will show all the products that you've entered into the Product Information Database. Once a product is selected from the list (and the quantity entered), it will be placed in the newly created row in the Item Area.

Here's another way you can do it:  Enter a number directly in the Quantity (QUAN) column.  Then, to enter a catalog number, press CTRL+L ("L" is for "List").  A list of all of your products will appear.  Select the proper product and the item's name and price will automatically be entered in the blanks.  There are even more ways of entering products, but this is good for a start.

Calculating Totals

The program automatically calculates totals.  Sometimes, however, if you make a price or quantity or discount change and the cursor is not moved, you may need to manually tell the program to do the calculations.  To do so, press "Calculate" button on the bottom right of the screen.  There are several other buttons in this area which you'll find helpful.
