A Brief Introduction, Page 6

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Payments by Customers

When a customer makes a payment, use the Mark Paid feature.  To access it, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select INVOICE TOOLS >> MARK INVOICE PAID.  The "Mark Paid" dialog box appears:


Once the Mark Paid dialog box appears, you'll have several choices.  If the customer paid off the invoice, the select the first or default choice.  Once you select this option and clear the dialog box, you see that under PAYMENT, it will say STATUS: PAID.


That makes it easy for you to page through the invoices and spot those are paid.  Using this feature also works nicely for your billing statements.  Any unpaid invoices will be marked with an asterisk (*) making it easy for both you and your customer to keep track of payments.

If a customer pays off more than one invoice in a lump sum payment, choose the second option.  You can enter the payment amount and then enter each of the invoice numbers which were paid off by the customer's payments.  Each of those invoices will have the following in the Payment Box:  "PAID (Elsewhere)."  That means that the invoice has been paid by a lump sum recorded on another invoice.  You'll find the number of that invoice recorded in NOTES on the bottom of the Invoice Screen.


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