Look-up Catalog Number and Paste Name & Price

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This feature allows you to type in a quantity and catalog number.  Then, by clicking a button, AnyOrder completes the entry, pasting the name of the item and price.  If you've memorized some of your catalog numbers and you're manually entering products, using this technique can speed up entry time.

This feature is available on Level 4 programs and above.

The Look-up feature is also useful if you import records.  The only product information that you'll need in the import file is quantity and catalog number.

Once the quantity and catalog number have been entered in the item area, select PRODUCT TOOLS and LOOK-UP CAT # AND PASTE NAME/PRICE from the Menu Bar.  The program will look up the catalog number in the Product Information Database and paste the item's name and price.  If you have entered several catalog numbers in the Item Area, AnyOrder will look-up and paste information for all items on the list.

If one or more of the catalog numbers can not be found, a message will appear notifying you.

There are two additional (and faster) ways of activating the Catalog Number Look-up feature.  One is to use SHIFT+F4.  The other is to double-click on the word "Cat #" in the Item Area.  "Cat #" is a text or quick button.  Although, it doesn't look like a button, it acts like a button.  In this case, double-clicking on "Cat #" activates the Look-up function.

You can configure how the replacements are made in two ways.  The default configuration is the following:

1) AnyOrder looks first at the item name.  If it finds letters or words in the item name, no replacements are made.  If, however, the item name is empty, then the empty blank will be replaced with the item's name from the Product Information Database.

2. Next AnyOrder looks at the price.  If there's anything other than zero (0) in the price column, no replacements are made.  If, however, the price is zero(0), then it is replaced with the price found in the Product Information Database.

If desired, you can change the above behavior.  To make the change, select FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP.  Click on the "Miscellaneous."  Place a checkmark beside:  "Item catalog look up feature: make replacements to a row even if a product name or price is present."  This result in the following configuration:

1) It doesn't matter whether the item's name is empty or whether it contains one or more words.  AnyOrder will go ahead, look-up the catalog number and replace the name with the item's name found in the Product Information Database.

2) Additionally, it doesn't matter whether the price is zero (0) or not.  AnyOrder will go ahead and replace it with the item's price found in the Product Information Database.