Entering Catalog Numbers on the Invoice

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If you want to keep track of inventory, generate reports of the sales of individual products, scan barcodes, or create royalty reports, you'll need to give your products catalog numbers.  Additionally, having a catalog number makes entering products easy since AnyOrder will automatically enter all the information on the invoice for you.  Catalog numbers and other product information are entered in the Product Information Database.

To enter product information on the invoice, click on the small, light blue "Add" button just above the Item Area on the Main Invoice Screen.  This button will add a new row to the Item Area and bring up a pop-up list of products.  Select the desired product, and the information will pasted in the new row.


If you'd like overwrite an existing product, place your cursor on the row of the product you want to overwrite and click the light blue "Place" button just above the item area.

You can also enter catalog numbers and product information by placing your cursor in the "QUAN" or "CAT #" Column.  To bring up the pop-up list: press Ctrl+L (for list) or double-click the mouse.  A list of all of your products will appear.  Select the proper product and the item's name and price will automatically be entered in the item row.

Two additional ways of bringing up a list of products is to: 1) place your cursor in the Quantity or Catalog # column and select EDIT from the Menu Bar and choose PASTE FROM LIST; or 2) right click the mouse and select "Customer or Product List" from the Speed Menu.

Another method to use if you know the catalog number is to type in the number and double-click on the word "Cat #".  The product's name and amount will be entered automatically.  (The word "Cat #" is a text or quick button.  It's the same as selecting PRODUCT TOOLS and LOOK-UP CAT # AND PASTE NAME/PRICE from the Menu Bar.) More Information

If you have the Level 5 (or higher) program, you can scan the barcode to enter the catalog number, item name and price.  For more information, see Scanning Product Barcodes.

Finally, you also have the choice of entering catalog numbers and other product information on the Alternative Product Information Screen.  You can access it by clicking on the light blue "Toggle" button, located just above the Item Area.


Additional Information about Products:

Product Database Screen: General Information

Product Database Screen: Indicating a Starting Inventory

Product Database Screen: Adding Inventory

Entering Products on the Main Invoice Screen

Scanning Product Barcodes

Changing a Catalog Number


Product Pop-up List

Importing Products

Running an Inventory