Address Lines:  Change Case

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This feature is only available on Level V (or higher) programs.  The Change Case feature is used to format address information on an invoice in a consist manner.  Address information includes any information in the following blanks: Billing Name, Shipping Name, City, State/Province, Country and the two address lines for both billing and shipping.

To reach this feature, select EDIT >> ADDRESS LINES: CHANGE CASE from the menu bar on top of the screen.

You have three choices: Title Case, Upper Case, and Lower Case.

Upper Case capitalizes all letters.  For example 3456 South Main will be converted to 3456 SOUTH MAIN.

Lower Case removes all capital letters: 345 South Main Street NW will be converted to 345 south main st nw.

Title Case capitalizes the first letter of each word, but it also has a series of built-in instructions to apply a consistent address style to names and addresses.  The following are some examples:

1St STREET nw    >>    1st Street NW

2ND avenue se    >>    2nd Avenue SE

po box 3459    >>    PO Box 3459

cmr 345, Box 12334, apo AE 09250    >>    CMR 345, Box 12334, AP AE 09250

rogerson printing, llc    >>    Rogerson Printing, LLC

mcafee graphics    >>    McAfee Graphics

Amazon.COM    >>

When you select this feature all address lines (billing name, address, city, etc.) are formatted at same time.  In other words, it is not necessary to format each line separately.

Note that Title Case is unable to distinguish abbreviations specific to universities, government agencies and businesses.  You'll need to format those by hand.