Using the Windows Control Panel to Determine Your Modem Port

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These Features Available in Level 3 Programs and Above.


To determine the port that your modem is connected to, use the Windows Control Panel:

Older Operating Systems - Windows 98, 2000, ME. For older operating systems, the control panel is reached by clicking on START and SETTINGS.  From the list, choose "Control Panel." When the Control Panel appears, double click on the "Modems" icon.

In the dialog box that appears, you'll see your modem listed.  Make sure the modem is highlighted and click on the "Properties" button just below where your modem is listed.

The Properties dialog box will appear.  The Communications Port or COM port where you modem is connected will be listed in the middle of the dialog box.  It will be listed as COM1, COM2, COM3, etc.  Write down the name.

Newer Operating Systems - Windows XP, Vista, Win 7. Windows XP users access the control panel by clicking on START and CONTROL PANEL.  From the Control Panel, select "Printers and Other Hardware" and finally select "Phone and Modem Options."  Click on the "Modems" tab.  The modem port is listed in the "Attached to" column.  Write down the port name.

This is the port you'll want to use when you prepare the program for your use in Basic Set-up.  For more information see Modem Test.