Modem Test: Making Sure
Your Modem Will Work

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These Features Available in Level 3 Programs and Above.


To help determine the compatibility of your system, a simple modem test has been built into AnyOrder.   Phone and card processing features are only available with registered versions of the Advanced Edition of AnyOrder.  If you don't have the Advanced Edition but are thinking about registering for it, the Modem Test allows you to pre-test the system to make sure it is compatible with these features.

To access it, select FILE and BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP from the menu bar which runs across the top of AnyOrder's Main Screen.

The "Basic Set-up " Screen will appear.  At the bottom of the Set-up Screen, click on the Telephone and Internet tab.  On the right side of Telephone and Internet page, you'll see the "Test Modem" button.  Click on the button.

In the dialog box that appears, enter your phone number.  Then select which Communication Port (COM Port) your modem is connected to.  A COM Port is place within your computer where communication devices like modems are connected.  They are indicated by the abbreviations COM1, COM2, etc. Don't worry if you don't know the COM Port. You can either try the 4 or 5 different ports and see which one works, or you can use the Windows Control Panel and look it up.

Leave the Modem Initialization String box blank.  If you're having trouble getting your modem to work, you can come back to this later.

Now press the "Open Port" button.  AnyOrder will attempt to open the COM port that you've selected.  The small box on the right side of the screen will light up in a yellow color and tell you that the port is open.

If the port can not be opened a message will appear telling you so.  Try selecting a different COM Port until you find one that will open.

Once you get the COM Port open, the next and last step is to test whether AnyOrder! can communicate with your modem.  Pick up the phone receiver.  With your mouse click on "Dial Phone Number." AnyOrder! will try dialing your phone number.

If everything is working fine, you'll hear the number being dialed and then a busy signal.  That's the response you're looking for.  The Modem test is successful, and AnyOrder! will work fine on your system.  Click on the "Finished" button and then hang up the phone.  Be sure to click first on Finished, followed by hanging up the phone.

Alt Modem Engine. If you've conducted the Modem Test and if you are unable to make a successful connection with your modem, you may need to use the Alternative Modem Engine.  The Alternative Modem Engine is often needed for older operating systems like Windows 95 and 98.  The Alternative Modem Engine comes with the AnyOrder installation package.  To try the Alternative Modem Engine, click on the "Alt Modem Engine" at the bottom of the Modem Test dialog box.  Run through the steps above to test your modem using the Alternative Modem Engine.

If you are having trouble, follow the directions in: Trouble Shooting Modem Problems