Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo

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The Cut, Copy, and Paste routines use something called the Clipboard. The Clipboard is a storage area for text that you want to move or copy from one location to another.  You can move text from one blank to another on the invoice form--or you can move it to another program altogether.

Cut. (Select EDIT and CUT from the Menu Bar on top of the screen.) Cut removes the selected text and places it in the Clipboard.  Use this command to move text from one place to another. Once the Clipboard contains text, you can paste it elsewhere using EDIT and PASTE.

The content of the Clipboard is not deleted when you paste, so you can paste many times. The Clipboard holds only one entry. Each time you Cut, the previously cut or copied entry is replaced. Undo (EDIT and UNDO) reverses the effect of this command.  The Cut command is not available if no text is selected.

Copy.        (Select EDIT and COPY from the Menu Bar.) Copy copies the selected text to the Clipboard without removing it from its original location. Use this command to copy text to another location.  Once the Clipboard contains the text, you can paste it elsewhere using EDIT and PASTE.

       The content of the Clipboard is not deleted when you paste, so you can paste many times. The Clipboard holds only one entry. Each time you Copy, the previously cut or copied entry is replaced. Undo (EDIT and UNDO) reverses the effect of this command.  The Copy command is not available if no text is selected.

       Cut, Copy and Paste can also be activated by using the Speed Menu.  The Speed Menu appears when you press the right mouse button any place on the Invoice Screen.  To use the Speed Menu, first select the text you want to copy or cut.  Then press the right mouse button.  From the Speed Menu that appears, click (with the left button) on either Copy or Cut.

       To paste it, position the cursor where you want the text inserted.  Press the right mouse button and then click (with the left button) on Paste.

       Additionally, you can use the following key combinations:

Cut Ctrl+X

Copy Ctrl+C

Paste Ctrl+V

Undo Ctrl+Z