Zip (Postal) Code Paste and Copy  / Tracking Numbers / PO Numbers

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Zip (or Postal Code) Paste and Copy

To access zip code pasting and copying features, right click when the cursor is in the zip/postal code blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  A speed menu will appear.  You have two choices:

Paste Zip + 4. This function takes an American zip code and extension combination and extracts the two.  The zip code is copied to the Zip/Postal Code blank and the extension is copied to the Extension blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  In order to use this function, the zip code and extension should be in one line. Also, the zip extension should be separated by a dash or one or more spaces.  Both of the following work:  97843-3422  or  97843  3422.

Pasting Tracking and PO Numbers

To access Tracking or PO Number pasting and copying features, right click when the cursor is in the Tracking or PO Number blank on the Main Invoice Screen.  You can also reach the speed menu by right clicking when the cursor is in the S-Date or PO Date blank.  You have several choices:

Paste Number. This will paste a Tracking or PO Number from the clipboard to the Tracking or PO Number blank respectively.  (This function is not enabled when the cursor is in the S-date or PO Date blank.)

Paste Number & Today's Date. This will paste a Tracking or PO Number to the Tracking or PO Number blank respectively.  Additionally, it will paste the current date in the S-Date or PO Date blank.  (This is not enabled when the cursor is in the S-date or PO Date blank.)

Copy Number. This function copies the Tracking or PO Number to the clipboard.  The number does not have to be highlighted for this function to work.  (This is not enabled when the cursor is in the S-date or PO Date blank.)

Paste Today's Date. This function pastes the current date in the S-date or PO Date blank.  (This is not enabled when the cursor is in the Tracking or PO Number blank.)