Export to Clipboard

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Export to Clipboard is reached by selecting EDIT and EXPORT TO CLIPBOARD from the Menu Bar on top of the Main Invoice Screen.

With Clipboard Export you can export as many invoices as you like. It is advisable, however, to limit the number of exported invoices.  The clipboard's capabilities can be quickly be overloaded.  If you have lots of invoices to export, use the file method of exporting, see Export for more information.

Clipboard Export works pretty much like exporting a file.  If you haven't already, you'll need to create a profile.  That's done by clicking on "Create New Profile" button in the first dialog box of the export series.  For complete information on profiles, see Export Profile. Note that the dBase file type is not available for Clipboard exports.  However, both the Comma Delimited and Tab Delimited file types are.

Once you've created a profile, return to the first dialog box.  Select the appropriate profile and the invoices you want exported.  Then click on "Start Export Process."  The selected invoices will be exported and placed in the clipboard.

More Information on Exporting

Advanced Export Overview (First Dialog Box)

Export Profiles (Second Dialog Box)

Other Options (Third Dialog Box)

Export Replacement Tables

Starting the Export Process

Sample Profiles & Creating Your Own Reports

Export Files Types Supported

Flat File Utility

Form Filling, Labeling and Mail Merging