Supported File Types
(Import and Export)

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The file types supported for Import and Advanced Export include the following:

Comma Delimited Files

A Comma Delimited (or Comma Separated) file consists of fields, each of which are surrounded by quotation marks and separated by a comma.  The standard extension given to such files is .csv or .txt.  Some software program will refer to comma delimited files as "text" files.

In a Comma Delimited file, each different record is separated by a carriage return ( ¶ - the same as pressing Enter on your keyboard). This is a look at what three records would look in a Comma Delimited file:

"Mary Johnson","Box 404","Wilson","WY"

"George Walter","123 Main Street","Plainfield","NJ"

"Joshua Jenkins","48 Linden Street","Billings","MT"


Note that for importing purposes in AnyOrder, there should not be any space between the quote marks and the comma, i.e. "  ,  " is not correct.  This is not a concern if you are producing Comma Delimited files from database, accounting and spreadsheet software.  However, you should be aware of this if you are using a word processor to create a file or make alterations to an existing file.

Tab Delimited Files

.A Tab Delimited (or Tab Separated) file consists of fields, each of which is separated by a tab.  Each different record is separated by a carriage return (¶).

Here's an example of a Tab Delimited file:

Mary Johnson(TAB)345 Johnson Ave(TAB)Wilson(TAB)WY

George Walter(TAB)123 Main Street(TAB)Plainfield(TAB)NJ

Joshua Jenkins(TAB)48 Linden Street(TAB)Billings(TAB)MT


Most spreadsheet programs place copied cells into the clipboard in a Tab Delimited format.  When you copy a spreadsheet, the columns become fields.  Each row becomes a record.  For example if you copy this:


It becomes this in the clipboard:

Mary Johnson(TAB)345 Johnson Ave(TAB)Wilson(TAB)WY

George Walter(TAB)123 Main Street(TAB)Plainfield(TAB)NJ

Joshua Jenkins(TAB)48 Linden Street(TAB)Billings(TAB)MT



dBase Files

The dBase file format is a widely used format that many software products support.  There are several versions of dBase files. AnyOrder supports the most common: dBase IV.

Use the file extension .dbf when using dBase files, i.e. Invoices.dbf.  Since the dBase file structure is a time-tested, stable structure for database files, it's the native format that AnyOrder uses to store its own data.


SDF or Flat Files

AnyOrder can import or export SDF or Flat Files with the use of the Flat File Utility built into the program.  SDF stands for System Data Format (also sometimes called Space Delimited File).  "SDF" or "Flat File" are interchangeable terms for the same file format.

Among other purposes, the Flat File format is used with the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) system.  EDI is a method of transmitting text files electronically, usually through a value added network (VAN).  If you end up doing business with any of the major retailers these days, EDI capability is very important.

System Data Format files have fields of a fixed length.  Each record is separated by a carriage return.

Here's an example of a Flat File with a name and address:

Bill Baker    312 South Main     New YorkNY12305

Jerry Anderson4114 South Lloyd St.Chicago IL42573

Mary Wilson   366 Old County RoadMiami   FL33425


To help distinguish between the fields, each is colored differently.  In the example above, the name is the first 14 places.  The address is the next 20.  The city is the next 8 places.  The postal code is the last 5 places.

AnyOrder can't directly import a SDF file, but the Flat File Utility built into the program converts a SDF file to a dBase file (AnyOrder's native file format) which can be imported.  For exporting, the Flat File utility converts an exported Comma Delimited File to a SDF File.