Mark-up Calculator (Generic)

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Note that the information below is about the generic Mark-up Calculator accessed from PRODUCT TOOLS on the Main Invoice Screen.  There's also another Mark-up Calculator built into the Product Information Database.

The Mark-up Calculator is used to calculate the retail price from a wholesale or manufacturing cost.  It is reached by selecting PRODUCT TOOLS and MARK-UP CALCULATOR:


This feature is found in Level 2 programs and above

Cost. To use the calculator, begin by entering the cost of the item in the "Cost" blank.  The cost may be the item's wholesale cost or it may be the average manufacturing cost per unit.

Mark-up Method. Next, select the mark-up method.  You have two choices:

Calculate Retail by Marking Up a Percentage. When you use this method, the retail cost of the item will determined using the standard retail mark up system.  In this system, the mark up is based on the resulting retail price.  For instance, if you have an item that costs $60 and mark it up 40%, the resulting retail price is $100. The advantage of using this system is that it is easy to discount the retail price.  Using the same example, if you discount a $100 item by 40%, the result is $60, your original cost of the item.

Calculate Retail by a Multiplier. This method calculates retail by using a multiplier.  For example, if you use a multiplier of 2, the resulting retail price is double the cost.  If you use a multiplier of 3, the cost is tripled, and so on.  This method is particularly useful if you are involved in manufacturing goods.  As a specific example, book publishers generally mark up the manufacturing cost of a book by a multiplier between 5 to 8.  This allows them to accept returns and provide the deep discounts required by various distributors, and yet, at the same time, maintain profitability.  Thus, a publisher using a multiplier of 8 would mark-up a $3.00 book to $24.00.

Indicate Percentage (or Multiplier). If you selected the percentage method (above), enter the percentage that you want to mark-up the cost, i.e. "40" means to mark up the item by 40%.  If you selected the multiplier method, enter the number of times you want to increase the cost, i.e. "2" means you want to double the cost, "3" means you want to triple the cost, etc.

You can use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the amount by intervals of one (1).  If you click on the "Add 5" button, you can increase the amount by 5.  Clicking on the "Add 10" button increases the amount by 10.

Calculate Retail Button. After you've entered the cost, selected a method and entered the percentage (or multiplier), click on the "Calculate Retail" button.  The result of the calculations will appear in the "Resulting Retail Price" blank."

Resulting Retail Price. This blank will contain the result of the mark-up calculations.  Once the retail price has been calculated, you may wish to adjust it up or down.  For instance, you may decide to change a $5.00 retail price to $4.98.  Or you may change a $4.50 retail price to $4.49, etc.

Calculate & Copy Result to Clipboard. If you'd like the resulting Retail Price to be calculated and copied to the clipboard, click on this button.