Check Inventory Level for Current Item

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This useful function tells you how much inventory is left for a selected product. This feature is found in Level 2 programs and above.

To run an inventory check, place your cursor on one of the rows in the Item Area.  Select PRODUCT TOOLS and CHECK INVENTORY LEVEL FOR CURRENT ITEM.  You can also press CTRL+J on the keyboard.

AnyOrder will look-up the product in the most recent inventory report file and report back with the inventory level and number of units sold since the beginning of the year.  It also provides the date and time of the inventory report from which the data was extracted.  And if you have inventory placed at consigned locations, it will tell you how much is left in your local or non-consigned inventory.  If you need more recent data, you can update the inventory report file by selecting PRODUCT TOOLS and INVENTORY FUNCTIONS and clicking on the "Current Inventory" button.

AnyOrder will check to make sure the inventory figures are from a valid for a normal inventory situation.  If the most recent inventory that you've run is a special inventory--for example, a product category inventory--and then, afterwards, try to use the "Check Inventory Level" feature, AnyOrder will notify you that you it's not in the right format.  To correct the situation, it's just a matter of running normal or "Current" inventory.  More information on Inventory Functions.

Note also that Royalty Functions will create a new inventory report file for use in calculating royalties.  This is the same file that is used by the "Check Inventory Level" feature.  AnyOrder will notify you that it's not in right format.  As mentioned above, it's easily corrected by running a normal or current inventory.


Here's some other information on inventory:

Starting Inventory

How Starting Inventory is Recorded in an Inventory File.

Adding Inventory

Manually Updating Inventory

Inventory Files

Inventory Functions

Inventory Report Screen

Reconciling Inventory

Real Time Inventory