Find Invoice from Look-up List

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"Find Invoice from Look-up List" supplements AnyOrder's search functions, providing an additional way to find a previously issued invoice.  It is reached by selecting GO TO and FIND INVOICE FROM LOOK-UP LIST.

The Look-up list looks exactly the same as the pop-up list that's used to paste customer information on the Main Invoice Screen.  In the case of the Look-up list, however, after making a choice, AnyOrder will take you to the selected invoice.  To help distinguish the look-up mode from the paste mode, the button which activates the process is labeled "Find."

Once the Look-up list appears, you can type the first letter of the customer's name and the list will advance to the first customer starting with that letter.  By typing in the first letter again, the list will advance to the next customer starting with that letter.  By repeatedly typing in the first letter, you can move through the list until you find the customer you desire.

Or, if desired, you can change the order of the list by clicking on the radio buttons on the bottom of the dialog box.   You can have the list ordered by invoice number (working from the most recent invoices to the oldest), by State/City, or alphabetically by Billing Name.  If you click on Billing Name (No Duplicates), the list will show only unique names, eliminating all duplicates.

When you use the Billing Name (No Duplicates) option, the list shows only the first instance of the customer.

When you use the State/City option, all customers without a state (or province) and city will be listed first, followed by an ordered listing.  If you ship to different countries, customers will be grouped by country.

When you've made your choice, you can double click, click OK, or press ENTER on the keyboard, and you will be moved to the selected invoice.