Add or Edit Invoice Message

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Every so often, you may wish to add a message to an invoice.  You may want to point out an extra discount that you have given to the customer, mention another product in which they might be interested, explain a transaction, wish them a happy new year, etc.  This feature allows you to add such a message.

It is reached by selecting EDIT and ADD/EDIT INVOICE MESSAGE.  You can also add an invoice message by including it in the Notes area of the Main Invoice Screen.

If you select EDIT and ADD/EDIT INVOICE MESSAGE, a dialog box appears on which you can type in a four-line message.  The space in the dialog box is just enough to fit four lines.   Four lines is the maximum amount available on an invoice, and you'll want to keep the message so that it fits in the allotted space.  If you go beyond four lines, a warning message will appear when you exit, telling you how many words you are over the limited and giving you a chance to revise the message.

When you complete typing in the message and exit from the dialog box, the message will appear in the notes area surrounded by double curly brackets {{ }}.  If desired, you can also manually enter messages in the Notes area of the Main Invoice Screen by using double bracket system.  Since double brackets are used exclusively for invoice messages, be sure not to use them for other purposes.