Local Back-up & Restore

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If AnyOrder is being used on a networked, each computer on the network will have its own settings.  These settings include screen color, screen configuration, location of word and spreadsheet programs, label and envelope settings, invoice graphics, path to the server, and other settings


AnyOrder has two back-up functions.  One, and the most important, backs up your main data files.  This is highly important and you want to back-up your data files on a regular basis.


The other back-up function - and the one discussed here - backs up the settings the local computer.


To reach the local back-up function, select FILE >> LOCAL BACK-UP & RESTORE. The following dialog box appears:





You'll have your choice to back-up files or restore files.  If you select the back-up option, a dialog box will open, allowing you to enter a directory where you want the back-up files placed (shown below).




When you select a directory for the back-up, be sure to select a directory which is different from the main data file back-up.  We suggest that you include the word "Local" in the back-up directory so that it is easy to identify.  For example, you may wish to use something like C:\Local_Backup for the directory name so that it is clear that the directory contains LOCAL back-up files.


If you need to restore local settings, select FILE >> LOCAL BACK-UP & RESTORE and click on the "Local Restore" button.  A dialog box appears in which you'll enter the directory where the local set-up files have been stored.  Remember, this is for local files only.  You would not want to restore data files from your main back-up directory.


A common use of the local back-up and restore is for a clean install.  A clean install means that you totally remove AnyOrder and then re-install it.  Clean installs sometimes help performance if you've been using the program frequently over a year or two period.


To do a clean install, you'll want to do at least two of back-ups of your main data files.  That's the most important part of the process.  You need to make sure you have at least two back-up copies of your data files. But after backing up your main data files, then you'll find it helpful to do a back-up of your local settings


The program is then installed on the computer.  Once that's done, you can start the program and restore all of the original settings of your local computer by selecting the "Local Restore" button.  Your network configuration and all of your other local settings will be restored.