Other Network Functions

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Network Activity Log

AnyOrder maintains a network activity log.  It reached by selecting FILE >> OTHER NETWORK FUNCTIONS >> NETWORK ACTIVITY LOG, shown below:


The chart which appears lists all computers that are currently using the program with the notation "Logged on to AnyOrder."  In addition, the chart lists any processes underway by users which could cause data file conflicts if a second user tries to run a similar process.  AnyOrder won't allow two users to run processes with the same "Conflict Type."   Once a user is finished with a process, the entry is removed from the chart, and the process becomes available for use.

There are times when you may need to manually clear the chart.  Such a situation may occur if AnyOrder is not able to shut down properly due to a non-recoverable error or a power spike or outtage.  To clear an entry from the chart, place your cursor on the appropriate row and click "Remove."  To remove all entries, click "Remove All."

Stand-Alone Computer Users: You can turn off Network Conflict Checking by selecting FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP.  Click on the "Network / Currency" tab and select the option which turns off the networking features.

Work In Local Mode

Local Mode is reached by selecting FILE >> OTHER NETWORK FUNCTIONS >> WORK IN LOCAL MODE.

This function allows you to temporarily remove yourself from the network.  In Local Mode, you access data from your local computer rather than from Common Data Directory.  This allows you to work off line, running reports, printing invoices, setting up filters, doing billings, creating export files, calculating royalties, etc.

In a network situation, certain functions like filtering, batch printing, and generating billings and inventories require exclusive use of data files.  This can slow things when others are also using the network.  By using local mode, however, you can carry out these tasks with effecting the work of others.

However--and this is important--any changes made to the data will NOT be saved.  Use Local Mode for viewing data, reporting, and printing or batch printing.  Any adding or editing of invoices, customers, products, etc. should be done in the normal mode.

When you switch to local mode, AnyOrder will copy the primary data files from the Common Data Directory to a local directory.  This provides you with the most recent data.  While in Local Mode, you'll be working with those files.  To get out of local mode, just exit from the program.  When you re-start AnyOrder, you'll be back in the normal mode of operation.

Try to select a time when others are not in the process of editing invoices.  Prior to going into Local Mode, AnyOrder will copy the data files directly from the Common Data Directory to the local directory.  If another user is editing an invoice (or editing one of the program's databases), you won't be able to get a successful copy.  AnyOrder will trigger a message informing you and suggesting that you wait until the other user has completed the edit.

Temporary Network Lock

A temporary network lock prevents other users on a network from editing the invoice on which you are currently working.

To understand this a bit more, it's helpful to look at network behavior.  Normally, when you are in the midst of making changes on an invoice, the program will lock out others.  But, if while you are working on the invoice, you make a menu choice or you select from a pop-up list (such as the vendors stock item pop-up), access is again restored to other users.  (The reason for this is that locked records can interfere with other processes such as searching and filtering.  Too much locking can make it difficult for other users to use the program.  AnyOrder attempts to compromise between two extremes, providing reasonable editing protection without unduly affecting other users.)

This system is fine on small networks or in situations where network users have their assignments and wouldn't normally work on the same Invoices.  On busy networks, however, you may wish to have assurance that no one else will attempt to make changes to the invoice at the same time you are working on it.  This feature enables you to have that assurance.

To turn it on, select FILE >> TEMPORARY NETWORK LOCK.  Or you can press SHIFT+F12.  When you turn it on, you'll see a "TL" (for "Temporary Lock") appear on the upper right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen.

After turning it on, you'll be able to edit or otherwise make changes to the invoice.  But if another user on another computer goes to the same invoice, they will see a colorful Network "Lock" indicator in the upper right hand corner.  That means, of course, that they are temporarily locked out of that invoice.  They can move to and work on another invoice, but your invoice is blocked until you finish your work.

To remove a temporary network lock, simply move to another invoice.  As soon as you move to another invoice, the lock is removed and others can access it.