Modem Initialization String

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AnyOrder assumes that your modem will respond like the vast majority of modems.  To communicate with the modem, it uses commonly accepted commands known as AT commands.

If a modem can't understand the commands that AnyOrder is sending to it, the modem may need to be initialized and reset to its factory defaults.  Once it is set to its factory default mode, it should be able to understand and carry out AnyOrder's instructions.

The most common way of initializing a modem to its factory defaults is to send an AT&F string.  If you having trouble getting your modem to work, enter the letters "AT&F" in the modem initialization string blank and re-try the Modem Test.

If that doesn't work, check the owner's manual that came with the Modem.  In the back of most modem manuals is a chart with the commands understood by the modem.  Look for the factory default string, and enter the string in the initialization blank on Set-up Screen.  Be sure to include the letters "AT" at the beginning of the string entered in the blank.  Then try the Modem Test again.  For more information, see Trouble Shooting the Modem.