Networking Suggestions

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The following is a list of suggestions for using AnyOrder on a network.  For information on how to get the network prepared and set-up go to the following: Networking.  Note that this information was originally prepared for businesses that were using AnyOrder in a call center situation, but we've added more information so that that it applies to all uses.

When AnyOrder is Not in Use, Close Out of the Program

When you are finished using AnyOrder, close out the program.  Don't leave the program open and running for long periods when you are not using it.  Make sure you close the program when you go to meetings or leave for lunch.  The program can be used as long as necessary, but when once you've completed your work, close it down.

Waiting for Orders: Stay on a Completed Invoice - Not a Empty Invoice

While waiting for orders to come in, you should stay on an invoice that's already been filled in and completed.  In other words, don't create an empty invoice and stay there.  An empty invoice without a billing name might be taken by another user.  Additionally, it's just not good practice to have an empty invoice appearing on your screen for any length of time.

While Waiting:  Assure that the Invoice is Not Locked

While waiting, make sure that the invoice doesn't have any record locks.  You can assure that record locks are removed by clicking on the "Calculate" button.  Or you can do it by paging back and then forward:  PageUp and PageDown on your keyboard.  (Why is this?  Some processes such as batch printing, various reports and others will not run successfully if locked records exist.)

Upon Finishing an Order: Again Assure that Invoice is Not Locked

Once you've finished taking an order and filling out an invoice, and while you are waiting for the next order, double check to make sure all record locks are removed.  To do that, click on "Calculate" button or page back and then forward:  PageUp and PageDown on your keyboard.

When an Order Comes In:  Get the Customer's Name Entered First

When a call comes in, you can start a new invoice by selecting Main Tasks >> Add a New Invoice (or the short cut is:  CTRL+A).  You should begin by getting the customer's name entered first.  Once you entered the customer's name entered, then move to the first address field.  You can use the mouse, but the most efficient way to move to the next field is to use the TAB key on your keyboard.  Getting the name entered is important.  Once you get a name entered, other users who happen to page to your invoice will see the name and know that you're working on that invoice.

To Page through the Invoices Use PageUp and PageDown on Your Keyboard

If you need to page forward or backward through the invoices, it's best to use PageUp and PageDown on your keyboard.  Page Up goes the previous invoice.  Page Down goes the next invoice.

As you Page-Up and Down, You'll See Network Lock Indicators and "Locked" Messages will also Appear

As you page through the invoices, you'll see invoices have bright Network Lock indicators.  And you will get a message similar to:  "This record or program area is locked because it is currently be used by someone else…" That's fine.  It's normal.  That means that someone else is working on these invoices - and you should move to a different invoice.

Network Locks

When one user on the network is typing data into an invoice and then another tries to type data into the same invoice, AnyOrder will lock the invoice.

The lock can take three forms depending upon the circumstances:

1.  LOCKED Indicator. In the first situation, User A is editing a field on Invoice # 1000.  User B is on a different invoice, but then pages to Invoice #1000.  User B will see a bright, red and yellow LOCKED indicator in the upper right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen.  This means that the invoice has been locked by the network.  User B should not attempt to make any edits to the invoice and should move elsewhere.  (Note that if User A is not in the actual process of changing a field, the record will not be locked.  An individual has to be actively typing in order to lock an invoice.)     When the network LOCKED indicator appears, the invoice on which it appears is not released from the lock until the person working on it moves to another invoice.  Once the invoice is released, it can be accessed by another user on the network.

2.  Keyboard Lock. In the second situation, both User A and User B are on the same invoice at the same time.  User A begins editing a field on the Main Invoice Screen.  A few moments later User B begins editing.  In this case, the LOCKED indicator will not appear at the top of the screen, but, nevertheless, AnyOrder will indicate its locked status by stopping all input from User B's keyboard.  This is a keyboard lock.  User B can type away on the keyboard but nothing will appear on the Main Invoice Screen.  Whenever the keyboard locks in a networking environment, you should move to another invoice.       Note that in the case of a keyboard lock, the invoice will be released when the edit of the field is completed, not necessarily when the user moves to another invoice (as described above).  That's one of reasons why you want to move away from an invoice when you experience a keyboard lock.  If you continue to try to type, you may gain control of the invoice when the other user finishes his or her edit.  At that point, your changes take precedent over the other user's.  That confuses the editing process for the other user.  It rare for this to occur, but, even so, it's always good practice to page to another invoice when the keyboard locks.

3.  "Record Locked" Message. In this situation, a warning message appears if someone else on the network is editing the same invoice as you.  The text of the warning message may vary somewhat, but it will generally say the following:  "This record or program area is locked because it is currently being used by someone else on the network…"  The other message that you'll receive is very short: "Retrying Row Locks."  In either case, the keyboard may or may not lock--and, the LOCKED indicator may or may not appear at the top of the Main Invoice Screen.  When you receive such messages you should stop all edits in progress and move to another invoice.  If the message keeps reappearing, you'll need to wait until the other user is finished.  Every so often click the OK button on the warning message.  When the warning message finally disappears, the invoice has been released and you'll be able to move on.

It's the second situation (keyboard lock) that you need to watch out for.  It is not accompanied with a visible network lock sign, but you should be prepared for it.  Whenever a keyboard lock occurs, move to another invoice.

Just a note about the network LOCKED status indicator that appears in the upper right hand corner of the Main Invoice Screen:  A network lock is different than a regular lock (which is activated by selecting INVOICE TOOLS and LOCK INVOICE).  Network locks are activated internally by AnyOrder to protect your data.  To distinguish between the two types, a network LOCKED status indicator is striking in appearance with red lettering placed over a bright yellow background.


Extra Lines in the Item Area

Occasionally when two or more users are creating invoices at the same time, you may get an extra line appearing in the Item Area.  An extra line may appear between products.  These extra lines can be removed easily by placing your cursor on the line and pressing CTRL+D  (Product Tools >> Delete Current Item Row).

"Unable to Complete Entering the Selected Product" Message

We've added a new message for the database which holds the items listed on the Main Invoice Screen.  Here's the situation:  you are entering products in the Item Area by using the Product Pop-up List.  During busy times, when you to try to paste a product that you've selected from the list, you may get this message:  "Unable to complete entering the selected product.  Try again…"

This message is triggered when there repeated simultaneous requests to the database that holds the items.  It is designed to protect the program and protect your data.  By the time the message is triggered, the Item database is probably ready to receive input, and it's just a matter of re-entering the product.

During Very Busy Times

During our network tests we found that during very, very busy times, you may encounter one situation that happens rarely, but it's one you should know about it.  Here's how it goes.  You may be entering data on an invoice, and the following message pops up:   "This record or program area is locked because it is currently be used by someone else…"

At the same time, a Network "Locked" indicator will appear on the invoice.   Normally, you'll see this message as you page through the invoices, and you reach an invoice that someone else is working on.  But in this case, it's your invoice, and it occurs while you are working on it.

If you can continue typing  (in other words, the fields on the screen are not locked), just go ahead and disregard the message and continue filling out the invoice.  In almost all cases, you'll be able to continue typing.  It is not very likely but it is possible that someone else has moved to your invoice and is trying to edit it.  If it's impossible to type in the fields (the fields are locked), try paging back one invoice and then forward (Page Up - Page Down).   If the fields are still locked, then, that's a good indication that someone else is, indeed, is accidentally working on your invoice.  You'll only be able to regain control of your invoice until they finish their edits.

Wait for Lulls, To Do Reports, Use Worldship, Batch Printings

If you use batch printing, or create reports, or export data to Worldship (and use processes other than normal invoicing), wait for a period of time when there's a lull, when orders aren't coming in.  You also have the option of using Local Mode which removes you from the network.  See AnyOrder help documentation on this.

Internal Run-time Error Messages ("Ignore or Cancel")

During our last extensive series of network stress tests, we were not able to trigger any internal run time error messages.  These are the kind of messages that say something like:  Error:  "Rowset at end of set.  File:  C:\AnyOrder\invoice1.prg.  Routine:   Replacecat.  Line:   326."  Then give a choice of "Ignore" or "Cancel."

If you get any of these, use IGNORE.   Using "Ignore," in the majority of cases, should allow you to stay in the program and continue working.  "Cancel" on the other hand will usually exit the program.  Given the complexity of the program and interaction as many as 25 databases, these types of errors can happen from time to time.  However, it should be rare.  If these message are not rare, and they are hindering data entry, please let us know about them.  Copy the error message and send it to us.  We'll investigate for you.

Screen Refresh Option

We also have provided you with a screen refresh option.  During our testing, we never had to use it, but we've left it available to you in case it might be useful.  If you're working on a record and it appears to lock up (particularly if you've received one or more the internal errors (the ones that provide you with the Ignore or Cancel options) , you can use the screen refresh.  Screen refresh is done by selecting Window >> Screen Refresh (or CTRL+F4 is the quick key).  This refreshes the databases.  After refreshing, you'll need to page back to your invoice, but it should allow you to continue to work on the invoice.

AnyOrder Won't Start on the Server

If AnyOrder will not start on the server, it's probably due to something called Data Execution Prevention (DEP).  For more information, see: DEP

Data File Errors are Triggered When Starting the Program

One problem you may come upon occurs when adding AnyOrder to another computer (or a new computer) on a networked system.  If, when adding AnyOrder to a new computer, you get data file errors, check to make sure that you are running the same version of AnyOrder on all networked computers.  You can check the version number from the Main Purchase Order Screen by selecting HELP >> ABOUT.

If you run different versions of the program on a network, database files will be mismatched, and that causes all sorts of file access problems.  If you run into this situation, download the latest version from the AnyOrder website and install it on all computers.  Begin with the server computer.  After installing to the server, start AnyOrder on the server.  If there's been a change of database files, the program will automatically convert the files to the new version.  Then install it on each of the workstations.  More on re-installing AnyOrder.

If you have the same version running and you are still receiving data file errors upon starting the program, see this information in the Troubleshooting chapter.

Back-up files

Even if you have a regular network back-up, we still recommend that you back-up on each workstation: More Information.