Installing or Re-installing the Program

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Installing the Program for the First Time


(If you are re-installing the program, see re-installation instructions)


Follow the procedure, below, to install the program for the first time.


Download the Program. First, you'll need to download the program.  You've probably already done that, but if not, you can visit the AnyOrder website.


The file that you will be downloading will be named ab7pro14.exe or similar.  The file is called a self-extracting zip file.  It's a compact zip file that contains all of the program and data files necessary to run AnyOrder.


When you click on the download link, the download process will begin.  At the this point, most browsers will ask whether you want to save the file or run it. Select the save option.


You'll be asked to save the file to a directory. Remember to which directory you save the file.


Activating the Download File. Once the download has finished, there are a couple of ways to activate the self-extracting zip file that you've downloaded.  If you save it to your desktop, an icon will be placed on the desktop.  Double-click on the icon to begin the process.


Or, if you saved it to one of your directories, you'll need to find that directory and double-click on the file name.  How do you find a directory?  One way is to use Windows Explore to view the directories on your computer.  You can access Explore by RIGHT clicking on the START button and selecting "Explore" from the menu that appears.  When you activate Explore, look through the directories and find the directory where download file (i.e. ab7pro14.exe) has been saved.  Highlight the file, and then double click on it.   That starts the process of installing.


Installation Procedure. When you activate the download file as described above, a small dialog box will appear.  Click on OK, and then on the next dialgo box, click on the "UNZIP" button.  The zipped files will be unzipped and the main installation program will start.


You'll be greeted by a license agreement.  Read it over and make sure you agree with the terms.  If you do, click on YES.


Following the license agreement is an introductory message.  Click on OK.


At that point, you'll be asked to install the program to the directory:  C:\AnyOrder.   We have retained C:\AnyOrder so that it is compatible with past installations, but you can also use C:\Program Files\AnyOrder or similar. If possible, we do recommend that you stay with C:\AnyOrder since it's easier to use when using mailmerge and labeling features.


NOTE: Always install AnyOrder to its own directory such as C:\AnyOrder or C:\Program Files\AnyOrder.  Never install it to a directory which is used by other programs.  For example, you should never install it to the C:\ directory or the D:\ directory which are both used by many other programs.


Accept the directory, and the installation will run through to completion.  When it's completed, you'll need to close out of a couple of dialog boxes to get back to the Windows desktop.


Installing the Program on a Network. Full and complete details on installing the program on a network is found here: Networking.  One reminder when networking: make sure all of the computers running AnyOrder are the same version. You can check the version number by selecting HELP >> ABOUT. You'll see something like Version 14.45.  First check the existing computers.  If they are running version 14.45, then any new workstations you add should be version 14.45.


Starting the Program. At this point, you'll see on the Window desktop an icon for AnyOrder.  To start the program, double click on the AnyOrder icon.


We've combined Levels 1 - 3 features into one installation program - and Levels 4 - 7 together in the other installation package.  If you are evaluating the program, you'll have access to all of the features of these levels.  This allows you check out all the features and decide which ones you need in your business.  For a comparison of features, go here.


Registering the Program. AnyOrder is shareware.  That means you can download the program and take all of the time you need to evaluate it.  If you decide that it's not what you need, it can be uninstalled easily by using the uninstall program.  No registration is necessary.


If you decide that you'd like to use the program in your business, you'll need to register it.  To register the program, click on the registration link found on the "welcome" page that appears when you first start the program.


When you register the program, you will receive a registration code.  There are two ways to enter the registration code:


  1. Click on the "Enter Registration Code" button found at the bottom of the AnyOrder "Welcome" page.


  2. Or, select HELP >> ENTERING OR CHANGING YOUR REGISTRATION CODE from the menu on top of the Main Invoice Screen.


Note that the registration code is keyed to your company name.  Make sure that the name is exactly the same as the company name that you provided when you registered.  The spelling must be exactly the same.  Abbreviations such as "Co," "Ltd," etc. must be the same.  And punctuation must be the same (such as the period in "Inc.")


When you enter the correct registration code, you'll get a message saying "Thank You."  The next time you start the program, you'll see the name of the program for which you've registered on top of the Main Invoice Screen.



Re-installing (or Updating) the Program

If you are already have AnyOrder installed on your system, here's how to re-install the program or to install an upgrade

(Note:  Are you installing the program for the first time?  If so, see first time installation instructions.)


If you are re-installing the program or if you are installing an upgrade, follow the procedure below


1) Back-up Files. Make sure you have backed-up your files.  This normally is done at the end of every session, but for an install, you should give yourself an added measure of security and back-up your files to a second directory or flash drive.


2) Additional Files to Back-up.  Note that not all files are backed up.  Files which are not backed up are listed below.  The easiest way to back-up these files is use the Local Back-up feature.  It handles everything for you, but, if desired, you can manually copy them to a separate back-up disk or to another directory on your hard drive before installing.  On a networked system, it's a good idea to run the local back-up procedure on each workstation.  When you use local back-up, save the files to a different directory that you normally use for your regular back-up.

Any graphics files (*.bmp) that you are using for logos on your invoices, billings or royalty reports.  In other words, if you have a logo on your invoices, make sure that you have a copy the logo file stored away some place.  If not, look for *. bmp files in C:\AnyOrder and copy all of them to your back-up directory or flash drive.
Any Internet Macros (*.iim) that you have created or altered.  If you haven't created any Internet Macros, you don't have to worry about this.
Any forms, documents, mail merge letters or label lay-outs that you've created in Microsoft Word and are stored in the C:\AnyOrder\My_Files or C:\AnyOrder\Labels directories.  If you are unsure of this, copy each of these subdirectories to a back-up directory or flash drive.

If you have a network the following files include local settings.  When copying these files be sure to use a different directory than your regular back-up directory.  (It's easier to use the Local Back-up feature, mentioned above, to back-up these files, but we're including this information so that you are aware of which files contain local computer data.)

The file BSetUp.dbf include a number of local settings, including the path to the common data directory on the server.
Forms, documents, mail merge letters or label lay-outs may be saved on the local computer on the following local directories  C:\AnyOrder\My_Files or C:\AnyOrder\Labels.
Additionally, Labeling.dbf includes quite a number of settings related to creating labels.



3) Clean Install.  If you are doing a "clean" install, you'll want to uninstall the old program.  A clean install is highly recommended when you move from lower level to a higher level.   For example if you move from Level III to Level V, you'll want to do a clean install.   (Note that a clean install is mandatory if you are upgrading to Version 14 from any version prior to version 14.  Version 14 has a new runtime and database engine, and a clean install is necessary to remove the old runtime and database engine.)

When you do a clean install, it's doubly important that you have an extra back-up of your data.  Do not proceed until you have made two (or three) back-ups to different directories or flash drives. On a networked system prior to uninstalling the program on the local computer use the Local Back-up feature.  A local back-up should be made to a different directory that you use for normal back-ups.

To un-install the old program, click on the START button on the Windows desktop.  Find the AnyOrder listing and select the "Uninstall" option.  At the end of the un-install process, the program will display a list of files to be deleted.  Double check the list and make sure that it's okay to delete all of the files.  If you see one or more files that you don't want deleted, skip this process.

Note: With some systems, you may find that you are unable to access the "Uninstall" application.  In that case, you can uninstall the program simply by deleting the entire C:\AnyOrder directory. We use this technique frequently on our test machines.  It is a simple way of uninstalling the program.  Since AnyOrder makes very few changes to the registry, it does the job.

Once the program has been uninstalled, you can install the new program.  Specific directions on downloading and installing the program are found here: Installing the Program.


4.) Regular Install. If you are not doing a clean install, you can install the new program over the old program.  It is not necessary to uninstall the previous version.  Even though AnyOrder will preserve your data files, you still want to make two back-up disks as a precaution.  Specific directions on downloading and installing the program are found here: Installing the Program.


5) Rover Users. If you have AnyOrder Levels V or higher, are using the Rover Module, be sure to download and re-install the newest Module.  The Rover Module is coordinated with the main program, and the Rover Module should be updated at the same time that you update the main program.


6) Restoring Backed-up Files. Once you've installed the program, you may need to restore your backed-up files.  Restoring will be necessary if you have one the following situations:

  1) If you've done a "clean" install.  In other words, you have un-installed the old program.

  2) If you are installing the program to a different computer

  3) If you are installing the program to a different directory than the original.

To do a restore, select FILE >> RESTORE BACK-UP FILES.  (If you haven't done a restore before, here's more information.)  Once the restore process is complete you'll have access to all of your own files.

If you using AnyOrder on a network, it is highly recommended that you do the restore process on the server.  Once you've restored the backed-up files to the server, start the program on the server.  This allows the program to make any necessary database changes - and it allows you to view to the data and make sure everything came through fine.  You only need to restore the data on the server.   It's not necessary to restore the data on the workstations.  Once installation and restore has been completed on the server, install the program on the workstations.

If you have used the local back-up feature, you'll can restore any local files, and/or your network settings.  To access it, select File >> Local Back-up & Restore.  Select the "Restore" option to restore local files.  If you weren't able to use the local back-up feature, you'll want to copy the files (if any) from step #2 above to their respective directories.


7) Network Re-installs. If you use AnyOrder on a network, be sure to install the new program on every computer on the network.  Start with the server first.  Then install it on all workstations.

You'll want to make sure that all computers are running the same version.  You can check the version number by selecting HELP >> ABOUT. You'll see something like Version 14.45.  First check the existing computers.  If they are running version 14.45, then any new workstations you add should be version 14.45.

Complete details on network installs are found here.

If you have done a clean install, then on each workstation, you will need to re-set the path to the server computer.  (This is not necessary if you have done the Local Restore described above.)  More information is found in Help, but basically, after installing the program on a workstation, you need to start the AnyOrder on the workstation, select File >> Basic Program Set-up and Preferences, click on the Network/Currency tab, and click the browse button and find the AnyOrder directory on the server.


8) Registration Code. If you have installed a new version over the old version, your registration code will remain.  Also, if you use the restore process, your registration code will be brought in along with the other data files.  Thus, if you are not upgrading to a new level, there's no need to re-enter your registration code.

However, if you are upgrading to a new level, and you have received a new registration code, you'll need to enter the new code.

Wait to enter the code, however, until after you've completed the restore process.  As mentioned above, the restore process will bring in your old code.  If you enter the new registration code first and then do a restore, it will be replaced by the older code.  Of course, you can just re-enter the new code, but it's simpler all around to do the restore first and then enter the new code.

To enter a registration code, select HELP >> ENTERING OR CHANGING YOUR REGISTRATION CODE.   Type in the registration code.

Note that the registration code is keyed to your company name, and you'll want to make sure the company name is exactly the same as the name you used when you registered.  The spelling must be exactly the same.  Abbreviations such as "Co," "Ltd," etc. must be the same.  And punctuation must be the same (such as the period in "Inc.").  If you change your company name in any way, contact us, and we'll be happy to provide you with a new code.  Note, however, we do have to charge for a new code.