Print Mailing Labels

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You can print mailing labels directly from the Mailing List portion of the program.  To reach the Mailing List feature select MAIN TASKS >> MAILING LIST from the main menu.  Then once in at the "Mailing List" dialog box, select FILE >> PRINT MAILING LABELS.   This brings up the "Print Mailing Labels" dialog box.

Before bringing up the "Print Mailing Labels" dialog box, you'll need to select what addresses you want to include on the mailing list.  (For more information on selecting address, see Mailing List).  Once the addresses have been selected, you're ready to print labels.

The "Print Mailing Labels" dialog box allows you to select from one or more label formats that you might use in printing mailing labels.  It's very similar to the Print Shipping Labels dialog box (this is a good reference if you need details on any aspect of the "Print Mailing Labels" dialog box).

To use the "Print Mailing Labels" dialog box, select which label format you want from the upper left of the dialog box.  Then click on "Create List and Continue Process."  When you click on this button, AnyOrder will automatically open up your word processing program with the labels in place and ready to go.  You can make one final review in your word processor, and print the labels when you are ready.

The printing of labels is guided by something called label properties.  You can review label properties by clicking on the "View or Modify" button.  If desired, you can also create your own label formats by clicking on "Create a New Format."  For more information, see mailing list properties.

Sample Mailing Labels

Note: If you accidentally delete the sample mailing label document (Mailing.doc) and want to recover the original, you'll find an extra copy named Mailing.bak in the AnyOrder\Labels subdirectory.

The sample mailing labels that come with the program are designed to be used in combination with Microsoft Word.  If you have Microsoft Word on your computer, it's worthwhile to run through the process described below.

The samples assume that you've installed AnyOrder to the default directory:  C:\AnyOrder.  If you've install it to a different directory, you'll need to do two things.  First, check to see if AnyOrder has the correct directory paths in the "Label Properties" dialog box (reached by clicking on "View or Modify" on the upper right of the screen.)  See Mailing Label Properties for more information.  And, secondly, you'll need to start Microsoft Word and load in the following document: Mailing.doc. Mailing.doc is found in AnyOrder's "Labels\" sub-directory.  You'll need to use the Mail Merge Wizard and change the path of the data source (MailList.txt) to the "Labels" sub-directory under the name of the installation directory you've used (see Mailing Label Properties).  Once again, this is only necessary if you've installed the program some place other than C:\AnyOrder.

Start at the Mailing List spreadsheet and select several sample customers from the list.  Then select FILE >> PRINT MAILING LABELS.

The "Print Mailing Labels" dialog box will appear.  Make sure "Sample: Mailing Labels" is selected, and click on "Create List and Continue Process"  A dialog box will appear asking you for the path to Microsoft Word.  Once you've enter the path, AnyOrder will remember it for future sessions.

(Note: newer versions of Microsoft Word will trigger the following message:  "Opening this document will run the following SQL command …"  Just click on "Yes."  You can remove this message by following these directions: MS Word Hints.)

Microsoft Word will start up.  The label document (Mailing.doc) will be automatically loaded.  On the Microsoft Word screen, you should see the names and addresses of the selected customers.  If instead of the customers' names, you see <<SHIP_NAME>>, you'll need to click on the "View Merged Data" button to change the view so you can see the name and address.  (Microsoft is always changing things and changing terminology.  More information on the "View Merged Data" button (or whatever name they are calling it by in the newest program) and other mail merge features are found in Word's help documentation.)

Important Note:  Microsoft Word's merge functions are notoriously finicky and you may not see your current data when the program first opens.  In fact, you may see the data from your last export.  Because of this, it's always a good idea to do a quick check.  In newer Word programs make sure the "Mailings" ribbon is showing. In older Word programs: select Tools >> Letters and Mailings >> Show Mail Merge Tool Bar.  Then for newer Word program, click the "Preview Results" button off and on.  Or for older Word program, click the "View Merge Data" icon off and on.  That refreshes the screen so that you'll see your new data.

This sample uses a common label lay-out for mailing labels.  This particular format is an Avery 5160, but other companies sell equivalent label paper.  You can purchase Avery (or other manufacturer's) label sheets at most office supply stores -- or on the Internet.

You can run a print on ordinary paper to see how it looks.  To print it, select FILE >> PRINT.

If desired, you can use the sample as a starting point to design your own labels.  Use MS Word's Mail Merge Wizard to select the type of label paper you want and format the address to your liking.  (Depending upon the version of Word, the wizard is commonly found at:  TOOLS >> LETTERS & MAILINGS >> MAIL MERGE WIZARD)