Print Receipt

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AnyOrder can provide two forms of receipts.  One is a printed invoice that includes the notation "PAID" on it.  (Note: it is also possible to change the heading of a normal invoice.  Some users change the heading from "Invoice" to "Receipt.  (The heading can be changed in: More Options). That's provides one additional possibility that you may wish to consider when printing receipts.)

The other method of printing receipts is to use AnyOrder's receipt printing feature.  The information below explains how to use it.

First go to the invoice for which you wish to prepare a receipt.  Then select FILE and PRINT RECEIPT from the Menu Bar.

The receipt dialog box appears.  If desired, you can change the amount or the date.  You can control what summary information and how the receipt will be printed.

Summary Information

If you'd like to indicate what the receipt is for, type in a short summary.  You can also have AnyOrder insert a summary for you.  You have three choices:

First Two Items from the Invoice. The first two products (or one product if there's just one product listed) which show in the Item Area of the Main Invoice Screen will be listed on the receipt.

Merchandise. The receipt will state that it was issued for "For Merchandise."

Services. The receipt will state that it was issued for "For Services."


You also have two options:

Format the bottom of Original && Copy the same as a Packing Slip (VI). Level VI Feature. This feature replaces the address area at the bottom of the receipt with the bottom of the Packing Slip.  The bottom area of the Packing Slip is set-up in Print dialog box (see: More Options).  If you place a checkmark here, any features that are set-up for the bottom of the Packing Slip will appear on the bottom of the Receipt.  For example, if you format a shipping label to be printed on the bottom of the Packing Slip, the shipping label will be printed at the bottom of the receipt.  Or if you format the bottom of the Packing slip to fit in the smallest plastic "Invoice Enclosed" envelope, the receipt will be formatted the same way.

By-pass Print and Printer Set-up Dialog Boxes. This is one of two ways in which you can change printer or print settings.  (Also see, "Change Printer" below.)  To use this method, take the checkmark off of "By-pass Print and Printer Set-up Dialog Boxes."  Print and Printer Set-up are the normal dialog boxes which appear whenever you print in Windows.  Since going through these dialog boxes every time you print an invoice is time consuming, they are by-passed as a convenience.  If you ever want to make a printer or printer setting adjustment, however, it's just a matter or removing the checkmark.