Paste from Proforma Invoices

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Level 5 and Higher Feature


The Proforma Invoice system allows you to create special invoices on which you can quote prices to a customer.  For more details on the Proforma system, see: Proforma Invoices  Once the customer accepts the quote and you ship the products (or provide services), you'll want to move the information from the proforma invoice into your main invoice file.

To do that, start in the main AnyOrder program.  Create a new, empty invoice.  New invoices are created by pressing PageDown while you are on the last invoice or selecting MAIN TASKS >> ADD NEW INVOICE.

When you have the blank invoice showing, select EDIT >> PASTE FROM PROFORMA INVOICES.  A list of proforma invoices will appear.  Select the desired customer from the list, click "Paste," and all the information will be transferred to the invoice.

(Note about Real Time Inventory.  When transferring proforma invoices, no inventory checks are done in the Level IV and V programs, but if Real Time processing is turned on, Levels VI and VII programs will check available inventory as the new invoice is created.  If inventory levels are low or out-of-stock, the appropriate warning message will be triggered.)