Proforma Invoice System

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Level 5 and Higher Feature


The Proforma Invoice System is one of several new major modules built into the Level 5 (or higher) program.

A proforma invoice is, in essence, a document on which you quote prices to a potential buyer.  It allows you, as the seller, to take the initiative in proposing prices and payment terms.  Some businesses use proforma invoices frequently.  Other businesses use them for special situations.  For example, you can use proforma invoices for accounts which require pre-payment.  You can use them for pre-season sales, or for customers that may be purchasing larger than normal quantities.  Proforma invoices are also commonly used to quote prices and establish terms in international sales.

The Profoma Invoice System is accessed by selecting MAIN TASKS >> PROFORMA INVOICING SYSTEM.  The following screen appears:


The proforma invoicing system built into AnyOrder is a full-featured program.  You have all the tools and functions that are available in the main portion of the program.  By the same token, the proforma invoice screen looks very much like the main AnyOrder program.  It does, however, have several differences.  The differences are explained below:


Reference #

The Reference Number found midway down on the Proforma Invoice screen can be used in one of two ways.  The most common way is to reference the customer.  Let's say that someone named Zach called you and asked for the quote.  In that case you would type in "Phone Call from Zach" in "Reference #."  You'd also indicate the date of contact in "Ref Date."  If the request came by email, you would enter "Email from Zach." If the customer provided you with a purchase order, you would enter the purchase order number here.  Finally, if the customer provided you with a RFQ (Request for Quotation) you would include the RFQ number.  Less frequently, you may use this field as an additional reference number that supplements the Proforma Invoice number.

Ref Date  (Reference Date)

The Reference Date works hand in hand with the Reference Number.  If the request for quotation came via a phone call, you would include the date of the call.  If the customer provided you with a purchase order, you would type in the purchase order date, and so on.  Just to the right of the blank is a small "C" for calendar.  The C-button activates the Pocket Calendar from which you can select the appropriate date.  You can also double-click in the "Ref Date" blank to bring up the Pocket Calendar.  If you right click while the cursor is in the blank, you can select "Paste Today's Date."

Alt Inv #

If for some reason, you want to alter the internally generated Proforma Invoice Number (which appears at the very top, left-hand corner of the screen), you can do so here.  Any combination of numbers or letters may be entered in this blank.  When AnyOrder prints a Proforma Invoice, it looks at this field first.  If it finds a value here, it will use it as the identifying number on the printed Proforma Invoice.  If nothing is found in this field, then it prints the internally generated number.  

You should also be aware that this blank is used for prefixes and suffixes.  You can designate your own prefixes and suffixes in Basic Setup, reached by selecting FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP & PREFERENCES.  Here you can indicate whether you want to add a prefix to the purchase order number.  For instance, you can have a purchase order with the following number: "PRO938."  Or you can add a suffix to the number, i.e. "983NR."

When the Proforma invoicing system adds a prefix or suffix, it will place the newly created number in the "Alt Inv # " field.  If, for some reason, you don't want a particular invoice with a prefix or suffix, delete the contents of "Alt. Inv #."  When the "Alt Inv #" field is blank, only the internally generated number will appear on the printed invoice.

Quote includes shipping Charges

Check this box if your price quotation includes shipping charges.  To include shipping charges in your total, type in the appropriate amount in the Shipping blank (on the lower right hand corner).  Normally, it will be obvious to the customer that your quote includes shipping.  The printed proforma invoice itemizes shipping charges.  However, by checking this box, you're provided with some extra assurance that there's no confusion on the buyer's part.  When checked, the printed invoice includes the following statement "TOTAL INCLUDES SHIPPING."  In Basic Set-up (FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP & PREFERENCES), you can configure the program to automatically check this box each time you create a new invoice.

Letter of Credit Required

Check this box if you want the printed invoice to include the following statement:  "LETTER OF CREDIT REQUIRED."  Depending on your company policy, you may require certain customers to provide you with a letter of credit.  Such customers may include new customers, customers with a poor payment record, international customers, or customers with particularly large orders.  In Basic Set-up (FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP & PREFERENCES), you can configure the program to automatically check this box each time you create a new invoice.

Quote Good Until

It's always a good idea to indicate a date when the prices on the proforma invoice expire.  The "Quote Good Until" gives you the means to do that.  You don't have to use it, but if you do, an expiration date will appear on the printed invoice.  You can type a date directly into the field or you can click the "C" (Calendar) button.  The C-button activates the Pocket Calendar from which you can select the appropriate date.  In Basic Set-up (FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP & PREFERENCES), you can configure the program to automatically calculate this date for you each time you create a new invoice.

Other Fields on the Proforma Invoice Screen

The other fields on the Proforma Invoice Screen correspond to those on the AnyOrder's Main Invoice Screen.  For more information, see: Invoice Screen.

Transferring a Proforma Invoice to the Main AnyOrder Program

Once a customer accepts the quoted price on the proforma invoice, you'll want to transfer the information to a regular invoice in AnyOrder.  To do that, start in the main AnyOrder program.  Create a new, empty invoice.  New invoices are created by pressing PageDown while you are on the last invoice or selecting MAIN TASKS >> ADD NEW INVOICE.

When you have the blank invoice showing, select EDIT >> PASTE FROM PROFORMA INVOICES.  A list of proforma invoices will appear.  Select the desired customer from the list, click "Paste," and all the information will be transferred to the invoice.

(Note about Real Time Inventory.  When transferring proforma invoices, no inventory checks are done in the Level IV and V programs, but if Real Time processing is turned on, the Level VI program will check available inventory as the new invoice is created.  If inventory levels are low or out-of-stock, the appropriate warning message will be triggered.)