Refresh Invoice Screen

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To refresh the information on the Invoice Screen, select INVOICE TOOLS and REFRESH SCREEN from the Menu Bar.  During a Refresh, the screen is re-drawn, file buffers are updated and everything re-calculated.  After a Refresh, the Invoice Screen will go to the last invoice in the file.

Refresh comes in handy if you change the columns in the Item Area in the middle of the Invoice Screen.  Columns are change by clicking on the "C" button (just to the left of the word "Item" in the middle of the screen.  By using the mouse, you can move the Quantity, Catalog Number, Item and Price columns to different widths.  If you have re-sized the columns, and you'd like them to return to their default widths, use Refresh.

Usually, to update calculations, you'll use the "Calculate" button.  On rare occasions, if the calculations don't seem to be coming up right, try Refresh Screen.  In addition to redrawing the Invoice Screen, Refresh Screen updates all file buffers, and then does the calculations again.  That should clear up the appearance of calculation problems.  Actually, the calculations are always done correctly internally.  They just may not appear correct on the screen since the file buffers have been a tad late in being updated.  This is actually quite rare, and in normal program usage, you'll probably never encounter it.

You may also use Refresh to clear any shadows left by dialog boxes or any other screen draw problems.  This is also very rare, and when it does occur, the problem can usually be traced to an old monitor.  You'll likely never experience the problem, but if you do, Refresh is available to help clear things up.