Parts of the Invoice Screen:
Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  
Item -  S-Code  -  Price

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The middle portion of the Main Invoice Screen consists of the Item Area.


The products that you sell are entered in the Item Area of the Invoice Screen.  In the appropriate columns, you can type in the quantity, catalog number (if you have assigned one to the product), the name of the item and its price.

(Note that we have prepared an illustrated guide to using the Item Area, and you may wish to have a look at it. You can reach it by clicking on this link: Entering Products on the Main Invoice Screen)


Cat #

For most products, you'll probably establish a catalog number.  Catalog numbers make entering products a snap.  Once you have assigned catalog numbers, you can bring up a list by clicking on the Add or Place buttons.  (You can also place your cursor on the desired row and double click in the unused, dark gray area in the Item Area.)  From the list, you then select the product, and the item and price are automatically entered on the Invoice Screen.

Another method to use if you happen to know the catalog number is type in the number and double-click on the word Cat #.  The product's name and amount will be entered automatically.  (The word "Cat #" is called a text button (or quick button).  It doesn't really look like a button, but if you double-click on it, it acts like a button, duplicating one of the functions of the pull-down menu.  In this case, double-clicking on the word "Cat #" is the same as selecting PRODUCT TOOLS >> LOOK-UP CAT # AND PASTE NAME/PRICE from the Menu Bar. More Information



The S-column (the column below the "S") is for the "Sale Code" or "S-Code" for short.  Most products will use the letter "S" for their code which means a regular sale.  But there are other codes such an "R" for a returned item, "B" for a back ordered item, etc.  (List of Codes)



The price of the item is entered in the Price column.  The total will automatically be calculated by taking the quantity times the price.


Moving Around in the Item Area

You can move into the Item Area by tabbing to it, or clicking on it with the mouse.  Once in the Item Area, you can Tab from column to column--or you can move from column to column by pressing the Right or Left Arrow key on your keyboard.

After you type in the information for the first row, you can move to the next row by pressing the Down Arrow key.  That will create a new blank row on which you can type in a different product.

There are NO limits to the number of different products you can enter.  The Item Area of the Invoice Screen has unlimited rows. It will keep scrolling down, allowing more space for more products.  You move up and down the list of products by using the scroll bars, or the Up and Down Arrow keys on your keyboard.  (You can't use Page Up or Page Down to move up and down in the Item Area since those keys are used to moved to different invoices)

In order to conserve space, the Item Area allows only one blank row at a time. If you press the Down Arrow key once, it creates a new blank row. But if you press it once more, no new rows are added.  The same happens if you use Tab.


Expanding the Item Area

By clicking on the right arrow just to the right of Total, the Item Area will expand to show the Discount column.  To return to the regular configuration, click the left arrow.

The Discount column allows you discount some products but not others.  (Note: if the discount is the same for all products, it's easier to place a number in the discount blank.)  The discount column shows one decimal place, but item discounts are actually precise to 7 decimals.  If needed, you can view or adjust all decimal places in the discount field by using the Alternative Product Entry Screen

By clicking on the right arrow one more time, the Item Area will expand to the show two more columns.  The largest is the "Discounted Total" column.  This column shows the total of the item (quantity multiplied by price) minus any discount. (Note that this figure is rounded to the nearest hundred.  Because there is rounding involved, the sum of the discounted total column may be slightly different than the Total figure, just below the Item Area.  


Levels 4 and above: The small column at the very end of the Item Area is the "Pricing" column.  Because of space restrictions, the pricing column isn't labeled, but it's the last column when the Item Area is expanded all the way.  If you have set up pricing levels in the Product Information Database, this column indicates the current pricing level.  Pricing Levels are indicated by a number.  To view a list of your Pricing Levels and the associated number, click on the "Toggle" button.  The Alternative Product Entry Screen will appear.  The Pricing Levels, if any, are listed on the right side of the screen. To paste the appropriate price associated with a pricing level, you must use the Product Pop-up List (activated by clicking on the "Add" or "Place" buttons).  It's not possible to change a price by directly typing in a pricing number.  However, but by activating the Product Pop-up List, you can select a pricing level and the appropriate price will be pasted in the Item Area


Entering Fractional Quantities.

Levels 4 and above: AnyOrder includes a special feature which allows you to create invoices for items which we sell by weight, length, volume, etc.  Normally, you can't enter fractions in the "Quantity" column in the Item Area, but you can activate a feature which allows you to enter measured quantities. For example, let's say you are selling 2.5 yards of a fabric.  The cost of the fabric is $10 per yard.  AnyOrder can do the calculations for you and include them on the printed invoice.  For more information on how to activate this feature and enter fractional quantities, see Alternative Product Entry Screen.


Billing for Hours Worked

In addition to using the Item Area for products sold, you can use it for services rendered or to bill a customer for hours worked.  To do so, indicate the number of hours in the quantity field and type in "Labor" or similar terminology for the Item Name.  You're not limit to whole hours.  You can also indicate fractional hours by using the Alternative Product Entry Screen.


Barcode Entry

With the Level 5 (or higher) program products can be entered by scanning the barcode.  Pass your scanner across the product's barcode and the product's name, catalog number and price will be entered automatically in the Item Area.  For more information, see Scanning Product Barcodes.


"C" Button

The width of the columns in the Item Area can be changed.  To do so, click on the "C" button, just to the left of the word "Item."  After clicking, the names of each column will appear.  On either side of the names, hold the left mouse button down and move the column line to the desired width. The column width that you set will be in effect for all invoices in the file.  You can return to the default size of the column by refreshing the screen.  To do a Refresh, select INVOICE TOOLS >> REFRESH SCREEN from the Menu Bar.  Whenever you do a Refresh, the invoice screen is re-drawn in its original format and the column widths will return to the default sizes.


Numerical Size Limits

There are limits to the size of the numbers in the quantity, price and total columns.  For a list of these and other limitations, see Program Limits.


Item Summary

The Item Summary is small shaded rectangle located just below the Item Area on the left edge of the screen.  The Item Summary includes two numbers: 1) the number of different items listed; and 2) the total quantity of all items combined.

The summary is helpful when it comes time to package and ship an order.  Before sealing the package, make a count of the different products that you've packaged.  That number should be the same as the first number in Item Summary.  Then make a count of the total quantity of all products combined.  That number should be the same as the second number.

Note that the second number (total quantity) includes only regular sale items, consigned items and promotional items.  Sale, consigned and promotional items are indicated by S-codes of: S, C, and P.  Total quantity does not include returns, damaged items, back orders, etc.  Thus, total quantity does not include any items with an S-code of: T, I, R, D, M, U, B, H, X, N, and U).  More information: S-codes.


Alternative Product Entry

In addition to the Item Area, you can also enter products in the Alternative Product Entry Screen.)


For more information on different aspects of the Item Area of the Invoice Screen:

Item Area: Quan  -  Cat #  -  Item  -  S-Code  -  Price

Item Area: Add, Place & Toggle Buttons

Product Pop-up List

Alternative Product Entry Screen

The "S" Column & List of S-Codes

Display the S-Code List & Pasting From It

Catalog Numbers

Assigning Catalog Numbers

For more information on other parts of the Invoice Screen:

Menu Bar

Status Indicators

Invoice #  -  Customer #  -  Drop Shipment

Bill-to  -  Ship To  -  Zip Code

PO Number  -  PO Date  - Invoice Date

Phone - Email - Barcode

Code Box - Discount - Less Discount

Net Days  -  Taxable  -  Ship Via  -  Shipping - Consigned Item - No Royalty

Payment Box (Payment1, Date1, Payment2, Date2)

Credit Card #  -  Credit Card Name  -  "1", "2"  -  Notes

Invoice Screen Buttons: Navigation (VCR Buttons), Calculations, Help