Use Rover for Storage

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This is an AnyOrder Level 7 Feature for Network Enabled Programs

This function is used to store AnyOrder's data files in Rover.  Rover is a separate program that can be downloaded from our website.  Rover comes with the network enabled versions of Level 5 and higher, but the storage feature is only available with the Level 7 program.

Rover can be used for a number of purposes but one purpose is for storage.  Rover is convenient since you can have immediate access to past data.

This process will copy AnyOrder's database files to a directory on your computer.  It will copy all of the records in all data files except the invoice file.  For the invoice file, it will copy only those invoices that you select.  After copying the files, you can then move them into Rover where they will be stored.

This is particularly helpful if you have large invoice files.  Large numbers of invoices in your data files eventually start slowing down the program.  You can use this function to free up room in your invoice file and quicken up processing.

Here are the steps to follow:

1. Before using this process, you should make two back-ups of your data files.  This is very important and you don't want to leave out this step.  If you have problems or an error occurs while executing the storage process, you'll always have a back-up available to restore your files to their present state.

2. To move files from AnyOrder to Rover for storage purposes, select FILE >> USE ROVER FOR STORAGE.

3. On the dialog box that appears, select a drive - or create an empty, temporary directory.  If using an existing directory, be sure to use a neutral directory different from where Rover is located.

4. For storage purposes, the starting invoice number should the first invoice in your invoice data file.  The ending invoice number is your choice.  You'll want to make sure that the group of invoices being moved to storage are all completely finished and no further changes are expected.

5. Since you are using this process for storage, you'll want to keep this box checked: "Once the data files are moved to storage, remove invoices from AnyOrder."  This means that after moving the selected invoices into storage, they will be removed from your main file, freeing up room and memory.

6. When ready, click on OK.  A set of data files will be copied to your designated directory.

7. Close down the main AnyOrder program.  Install Rover if you haven't already.  It's a good idea to re-name the Rover icon on your desktop to something like: "2011-2012 Storage Files."

8. Start Rover.  (Note you can't run AnyOrder and Rover at the same time.  Exit from one program, then start the other.)  Don't worry about the non-registered messages.  Just by-pass them.  When you move your data into Rover your registration code will come with it.

9. If this is the first time you are using Rover for storage, you'll want to remove the practice files that come with Rover.  Do that by selecting HELP >> NEW USERS: REMOVE PRACTICE FILES.  This will clear all of the data files. Additionally, it is a good idea to make the screen color different than your main program.  You can do that by selecting WINDOW >> CHANGE BACKGROUND COLOR & IMAGE.

Note when you move storage files into Rover, it will replace all non-invoice data files with the current versions from AnyOrder. It will not, however, replace or overwrite invoices.  It APPEND's invoices to the invoices that are already found in Rover - and it appends only those invoices that you have selected for storage. That means that after moving one set of storage data into Rover, you can move additional invoices into Rover at later time.

10. One more step if this is the first time you are using Rover for storage.  You want to re-set the first invoice to # 1.  To do this, select FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP & PREFERENCES.  On the screen that appears (it will be the "Basics" tab), type in a "1" beside: "Number of First Invoice."  Don't exit yet.  There's one more thing you need to do in Basic Set-up, but just so you know, when you do exit, the program will ask twice if it's okay to re-number the invoices, select "Yes" both times.

11. If you haven't already, select FILE >> BASIC PROGRAM SET-UP & PREFERENCES.  Click on the "Miscellaneous" tab.  Put a checkmark beside:  "Use this Rover Program for Storage Only."  This does two things:

a) It turns off the following menu item:  Main Tasks >> Accept Updated Files from AnyOrder.  By making this this menu item inactive, it helps prevent confusion and possible conflicts if you are using more than one Rover module.

b) Secondly, it allows you to use normal back-up and restore functions.  Normally, Rover is restricted to using the zip file method of back-up and restore.  For storage files, that restriction is turned off.  You just want to be careful not to mix backed up files from Rover storage with backed-up files from the main program.

12. Leave Basic Program Set-up by selecting FILE >> SAVE & CLOSE.  You'll be back at the Main Invoice Screen.  From the menu, select FILE > LOAD STORAGE FILES.   Indicate the directory where you have placed the storage data files.  Then click on OK to start the restore process.

13. When the process has finished, look through the invoices in Rover and make sure all looks well.  This process also moves products, customers and other data files into Rover, and you'll want to take a quick look at those at the same time. Your registration code will come in and the registration messages will disappear.  All of the features and functions that you are familiar with in the main part of the program are available in Rover.  The only difference is that Rover does not include the external programs like royalty accounting or the purchase order module, but it is fully intact in all other ways.

14. Finally end up the process by selecting FILE >> BACK-UP FILE and make at least one (if not two) back-ups your storage files.  Save the backed-up files to removable media such as a flash drive. Make sure you don't mix up Rover's back-with your main program back-up. Label the drive "AnyOrder Storage," include the year(s) covered by the invoices in storage, and put it in a safe location.