View Invoices in Storage

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Once a set of invoices have been moved to storage (see also Moving Files to Storage), you can view the stored invoices by using the View Storage function.  To get to it, select FILE and VIEW INVOICES IN STORAGE from the Menu Bar.

On the dialog box that appears, enter the drive and/or directory where your storage files are located. Double clicking in the blank brings up a list of drives and directories.  Enter the file name of your storage file.  The storage file will have a .dbf extension.  For instance, if you named your storage file Year03To04, look for Year03To04.dbf.  Double clicking in the file name blank brings up a list of file names.

Once you have the file name entered, press OK. When processing is complete, the Invoice Screen returns.  All of the invoices now shown on the Invoice Screen will be from the storage file.  You can search for invoices, print them, calculate monthly or annual sales, make a mailing list and do many of the same things that you can do with your regular set of invoices.  However, any changes that you make to them will not be saved.

When you have finished viewing the invoices, select FILE and END STORAGE VIEWING from the Menu Bar to return to your regular or working set of invoices.