Royalty Functions

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Level 4 and Higher Feature


Royalty Functions can be reached by selecting MAIN TASKS and ROYALTY FUNCTIONS from the Menu Bar.

The royalty accounting feature is an entire software program in itself, fully integrated so it works seamlessly with AnyOrder and AnyOrder's data files.  This portion of the program provides a wide range of options.  Royalties can be based on cash or accrual accounting.   They can be calculated on a percentage of the retail price, net sales, profit, or a flat amount.  Royalties can also be set up to change depending on the quantity of books sold and/or depending on the discount at which books are sold.  Over 400 different royalty combinations are available for nearly any royalty arrangement.

Since the royalty accounting feature is a stand alone program, a separate help system has been built into it.  You can access the help system from any location in Royalty Functions.