Convert Level IV & V Standing Orders to New System

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Level 6 - 7 Feature


This feature is used if you have created standing order invoices in Level 4 and 5 (following AnyOrder suggested procedures), and you wish to convert your data so that you can use the new Standing Order Module.  Briefly, this will take any invoices that you have set-up for standing orders, and copy them to the new Standing Order module.  Once you run through this process, and do the conversion, you won't have to worry about doing it again.

Accessing the Conversion Feature

To reach the conversion feature, start at the Main Invoice Screen and select MAIN TASKS >> STANDING ORDERS.  The Standing Order Module will appear.  Select FILE >> SPECIAL IMPORT: IMPORT && CONVERT &PRE-VERSION VI FILES.  The conversion dialog box will appear.


In Levels 4 and 5, the suggested procedure is to use one of the User Defined Fields to hold the Standing Order Code.

In this process, you'll tell AnyOrder which User Defined Field was used for the Standing Order code.  AnyOrder will then run through all of your existing invoices.  If it finds a code, it will copy that invoice to the Standing Order database along with its code.


In the Conversion dialog box, look through the list and pick the User Defined Field that you have used for the Standing Order code.

Then click on "RUN."  The process will run.  If you have lots of invoices, AnyOrder will take some time to work its way through all of the invoices.

When the process is complete, look through the newly created Standing Order records.  If you find it necessary, you can remove all of the imported records by using FILE >> REMOVE IMPORTED RECORDS.

Finish-up Work

After using the conversion feature, you should look carefully at the newly imported records.  The best way to do that is to create a spreadsheet by selecting FILE >> EDIT & PRINT FROM SPREADSHEET.  All of the standing order records will be dropped into an Excel spreadsheet.  The first column of the spreadsheet is entitled "TrackingNo."  The TrackingNo column is the Standing Order Code.  (To retain compatibility between the invoice and standing order databases, the same fields were used.  The TrackingNo field was borrowed to hold Standing Order Codes.)

Before printing the list, sort it by code and billing name.  Remove any columns that you don't need.  Print the list and look for any duplicates.  It is okay to have duplicate billing names as long as the code associated with the customer is not duplicated.  (In Excel, be sure to sort by Code + Billing Name so the rows are ordered in a way that you can pick up out these duplications.)  If you have the same customer and same code duplicated, then you should delete one of the pairs.  You can remove duplicates by using FILE >> FILE MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS >> DELETE RECORDS.