Shipping Weight and Charges

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If you select SHIPPING TOOLS >> SHIPPING WEIGHT & CHARGES from the Menu Bar, a dialog box appears which provides you with the total weight of your order.  It also allows you to indicate whether or not you want to charge the customer for shipping.  The dialog box is shown below:




This dialog box can also be reached in three other ways.

You can click on the "S" button next to the "Shipping" field on the Main Invoice Screen
You can click on the word "Shipping" on the Main Invoice Screen
You can double click in the "Shipping" field on the Main Invoice Screen


Shipping Weight

AnyOrder will calculate the total weight of an order as long as you have indicated the products' weights in Product Information.  To prevent errors in calculating shipping charges, if the weight of one of the products is missing from Product Information, then no total weight will be reported.

When AnyOrder calculates the weight, it takes the weight per item and multiplies it times the quantity.  The subtotals of each of the products are summed to arrive at the total weight.  Weight is provided in both English and Metric units.  If you use the total weight figure to calculate a customer's shipping charges, be sure to allow some extra for the weight of packaging material.


Charging or Not Charging for Shipping

You may have some customers to whom you send goods but do not charge for shipping.  If you'd like to keep track of the shipping expense (yet not have it added to the total due) click on the "Do Not Charge For Shipping" button at the bottom of the dialog box.

Shipping expenses which are not charged appear in blue on the Main Invoice Screen.  Shipping expenses which are charged appear in the normal black color.  If desired, you can switch back and forth between the two by selecting the appropriate button.

Using this procedure is optional.  If you don't want to charge for shipping, you can simply not enter a shipping charge on the invoice form.  By using this method, however, you'll be able to obtain totals of charged and uncharged shipping expenses when the Annual or Monthly Sales functions are used.


Adding Up Shipping Charges for More than One Package - Level 5 and higher

This Level 5 (or higher) feature allows you to calculate the total shipping for a multi-package shipment.  For more details, see Shipping & Weight for More than One Package.