Shipping Method List / Shipment Packaging List

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Shipment Method List

Just to the right of the Ship Via blank on the Main Invoice Screen is the "L" (for "List") button.  By clicking on this button, a list of shipping methods will appears.  Select a name from the list by double clicking on the name or highlighting the name and clicking Paste.


To add, modify or delete from the list of shipping methods, select SHIPPING TOOLS >> VIEW / MODIFY SHIPPING METHOD LIST from the Menu Bar.

More Information on the Shipping Method List - Level 4 and above

The following information is for Level 4 (and greater) users:

The Shipment Method List is can also be triggered by clicking on the "L" button on the Shipment Form.

If you do on-line shipment processing, you can set-up defaults for each of your shippers.  The defaults make it easier to fill out the shipping form.  (For more information see: Shipper Defaults). Once you have defaults set-up, you can use the "Paste with Defaults" button.  Note that if you haven't set-up defaults, "Paste with Defaults" acts just like the "Paste" button.   In other words, in the absence of shipping defaults, there's no difference between the two buttons and you can use either.

To add, modify or delete from the list of shipping methods, select SHIPPING TOOLS >> VIEW / MODIFY SHIPPING METHOD LIST from the Menu Bar.

When you select VIEW / MODIFY SHIPPING METHOD LIST, a dialog box appears with a list of methods.  AnyOrder comes with a list of common shippers and shipping methods.  You may deal with other shippers and may need to add or make adjustments to the list.  Here's how:

The list consists of four columns.  Only the first two columns are required:

First column: Shipper.  In the first column, type in an abbreviated name for the shipper (UPS, FedEx, etc.).  If you make several entries for the shipper, make sure that you spell the shipper's name the same each time.

Second column: Shipping Method.  In the second column, type in the shipper's name and a name for the shipping method (Ground, Air, Overnight, etc.).  This is the most important field on the list.  This is what will appear on the Main Invoice Screen AND on the printed invoice.  Even though you already indicated the shipper's name in the first column, you'll want to repeat the shipper's name here along with the shipping method.  Here are some examples of what your entries might look like: UPS - Ground, FedEx - Overnight, USPS - Priority.

Third column (Optional): Official Website Name.  The third column is used when you want AnyOrder to fill in shipping company website forms and produce shipping labels.  If you don't plan to use this feature, you can leave it out.  If you do plan to use it, type in the official name for the shipping method as it appears on the shipping company's website.
   For example, if you look at the on-line shipping form at the UPS website, you'll see that shipping methods (UPS calls it shipping "services") appear in a drop down box.  AnyOrder's auto-fill function needs to know exactly how each of the shipping methods are spelled.  That allows AnyOrder to select the correct method from the list.  What you need to do is to visit the website of the shipper.  Almost all shippers place their shipping methods (or shipping services) in a drop down box.  Write down those methods that you might use, carefully spelling the name the same as it appears in the drop down box.  In addition to spelling, make sure that the capitalization is the same.  Then enter the method into the third column on AnyOrder shipping method list exactly the same way.  More about On-line Shipment Processing.

Last column: (Optional): Official Software Name. The last column is optional.  You may never to worry about this column.  At this writing, UPS has the only shipping software program that imports shipping data, and we've already pre-loaded this information into AnyOrder.  The option remains open, however, if another shipping company develops shipping software with an import feature.  If you do enter information in this column, the procedure is the same as the third column (above).  Look in the software for the list of shipping methods, almost always found in a drop-down box.  Copy the names exactly, being careful to preserve capitalization -- and enter them in this column.  More about UPS Worldship.

Quick review: 1) Make sure the shipper's name is spelled the same each time in the first column (Shipper Column); and 2) include the shipper's name with the ship method in the second column (Ship Method column).


Shipment Packaging List - Level 4 or greater

The following information is for Level 4 (and greater) users:

Just to the right of the "Type of Packaging" blank on the Shipment Form is the "L" (for "List") button.  By clicking on this button, a list of packaging choices will appear.  Select a name from the list by double clicking on the name or highlighting the name and clicking OK.

The Shipment Packaging List is optional.  If you don't use any of AnyOrder's shipment features, you don't have to worry about it.

To add, modify or delete from the Shipment Packaging List, select SHIPPING TOOLS >> VIEW / MODIFY SHIPMENT PACKAGING CHOICES from the Menu Bar.

The list that appears consists of three columns.  You can use the list to add or modify the types of packages used in your shipments.

This information is utilized when AnyOrder fills in shipping company website forms.  It's also used if you export to shipping company software.  (Currently, UPS WorldShip is the only shipping software program that is able to do an import.)

In the left column, type in the name of the shipper.  Spell the shipper's name the same as you have in the Shipping Methods database (MAIN TASKS >> SHIPPING METHODS... >> VIEW/MODIFY SHIPPING METHODS).  

In the second column, type in the shipper's official name of the packaging as it appears on their website.  For example, if you look at the on-line shipping form at the UPS website, you'll see that shipment packaging appear in a drop down box.  AnyOrder's auto-fill function needs to know exactly how each of the packaging choices are spelled.  That allows AnyOrder to select the correct package from the list.  What you need to do is to visit the website of the shipper.  Almost all shippers place their packaging choices in a drop down box.  Write down those packaging choices that you might use, carefully spelling the name the same as it appears in the drop down box.  In addition to spelling, make sure that the capitalization is the same.  Then enter the method into the second column of packaging list exactly the same way.

The third column is optional.  You may never to worry about this column.  At this writing, UPS has the only shipping software program that imports shipping data, and we've already pre-loaded this information into AnyOrder.  The option remains open, however, if another shipping company develops shipping software with an import feature.  If you do enter information in this column, the procedure is the same as the third column (above).  Look in the software for the list of packaging choices, almost always found in a drop-down box.  Copy the names exactly, being careful to preserve capitalization -- and enter them in this column.