Special Paste

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This is an AnyOrder VI - VII feature.

To reach Special Paste, select EDIT >> SPECIAL PASTE from the menu on top of the Main Invoice Screen.

Special paste is used to copy order information from an emails or a website and drop the data directly into an invoice.  During the process, AnyOrder extracts the information and places it into a temporary database.  It then uses the database to paste customer's name, address, items, prices and other information to the appropriate fields on the Main Invoice Screen.

Currently, the special paste feature is only useable with PayPal transactions.  We hope to add new types of transactions and a method of customizing this feature for your own purposes.  We welcome your suggestions.


Make sure you are starting at a NEW INVOICE and the invoice screen is empty.  Then highlight and copy the desired email or webpage to the clipboard.  An easy way to make sure you copy the entire page is to select EDIT >> SELECT ALL in your email program or browser.  Once you have the page copied, select one the following three PayPal options.

PayPal Options

There are three Pay Pal options available:

PayPal Payment Request: Web Page.  Use this for PayPal Payment Requests.  PayPal requests are initiated by you:  you send your customer a "Request" for payment and your customer then uses the secure PayPal system to pay you.  You'll receive an email telling you that the payment has been received.  In the email, look for the following link:  "View Details of Transaction on-line."  Click on the link.  After logging in, you will be taken to a webpage with the details of the transaction.  Highlight and copy the entire webpage.  Then select this option.

PayPal Shopping Cart: Email. Use this for PayPal's basic shopping cart. You'll receive an email telling you that you have an order.  Highlight and copy the entire email.  Then select this option.

PayPal Shopping Cart: Web Page. Use this for PayPal's basic shopping cart. You'll receive an email telling you that you have an order.  At this point, click on "View Details of Transaction on-line."  After logging in, this will take you to a webpage with the details of the shopping cart transaction.  Highlight and copy the entire webpage.  Then select this option.

Setting a Default Option

If you receive PayPal order information by the same method each time, you can simply things by setting up a default option.  Indicate the default method by clicking on the appropriate "default" button.  Once that's complete, all that is necessary is to copy the email or webpage and then select EDIT >> PRE-SELECTED PASTE.  The proper data will be extracted according to default option, and the customer's name, address and order information will pasted to the invoice.